Violaceae |
![]() Viola parvula TINEO |
![]() Viola parvula TINEO |
Viola L. |
V. parvula Tineo, Pug. PL Sic. 5 (1817). Syn: V. occulta Lehm. f. villosa Becker in Beih. Bot. Centr. 26(2): 346 (1910); V. parvula var. paphlagonica Bornm. in Mag. Bot. Lap. 30: 57 (1931); V. sosnowskyi Kap. in Zam. po. sist. i geogr. Rast. (Tbilisi) 10: 45 (1941). I?: Holmboe, Veg. Cyprus, 132 (1914). Annual herb, stems up to 10 cm, usually less, the whole plant pilose-villous with long hairs. Lowermost leaves oblong-orbicular, the rest oblong-spathulate. Stipules deeply lobed. Bracteoles borne in the upper third of the pedicels. Sepals ovate-lanceolate. Corollas creamy white, scarcely exceeding the calyx. Spur shorter than the appendages of the calyx. Fl. 4-7. Screes, 1700-2700 m. Type: [Sicily] in Nebrodibus, Satta la Curma grandi, Tineo. N., W. & C. Anatolia, Anti-Taurus. A2 Bursa: Ulu Da., Bomm. 1899: 4120! A3 Bolu: Ala Da., Kartal Kaya Tepe, 2100-2200 m, D. 37356! A4 Çankiri, İlgaz Da., 2000-2150 m, Bomm. 1929: 13742! A7 Gümüşane: Giimüşane, Baraskiva, Sint. 1894: 5434! Bl izmir: Tmolus (Boz Da.), Boiss. B2 Uşak: Alma Da., ? of Uşak, Bal. 1157! B4 Ankara: Hussein Gazi, Kotte 1610! B5 Kayseri: Ercias Da., 2700 m, Balls 1423! C5 Niğde: Masmutli Da., 2000 m, Siehe 1906: 362! C6 Maraş: Solak Da., Zeytun (Süleymanli), 1700 m, Balls 1053! S. Europe, Cyprus, W. Syria, N.W. Africa. |