Thymelaeaceae |
![]() Daphne oleoides SCHREBER subsp. kurdica (BORNM.) BORNM |
Daphne L. |
D. oleoides Schreber, Icon. Descr. Pl. 1:13, t. 7 (1766). Erect highly branched shrub, 15-60 cm. Young shoots reddish-brown, densely pubescent or sericeous, older branches glabrous, bark grey. Leaves subsessile or with petioles 1-2 mm, coriaceous, obovate, oblanceolate or elliptic, 10-25(-30) x (3-)4-6(-9) mm, broadly acute, obtuse or mucronate, glaucous, margins thickened; young leaves densely or sparsely white-pilose, adaxial surface often glabrescent. Flowers sessile, fragrant, in terminal clusters of 3-6. Bracts absent or minute, triangular-ovate, 2x1 mm, acute, caducous. Perianth 10-16 mm, white or creamy-white, adpressed-pubescent or sericeous-villous; lobes acute. Ovary pubescent. Fruit ovoid, 4-6 mm, orange-red. This is a very variable species so far as habit, degree of pubescence, leaf and flower size are concerned. 1. Perianth lobes narrowly triangular or lanceolate, (3-)4-8 x 0.5-1.5 mm subsp. oleoides 1. Perianth lobes ovate or triangular-ovate, (2-)3-5 x 1.5-3.5 mm subsp. kurdica subsp. kurdica (Bornm.) Bornm. in Beih. Bot. Centr. 28:498 (1911). Syn: D. buxifolia Ledeb., Fl. Ross. 3:548 (1850), p.p. non Vahl(1790); D. oleoides sensu Ledeb., op. cit. 549 (1850) non Schreber (1766);D. oleoides Schreber var. kurdica Bornm. in Beih. Bot. Centr. 24:89 (1909); D. oleoides Schreber var. brachyloba sensu Sosn. in Fl. Cauc. Crit. 3(9):265 (1910), non Meissner (1857); D. kurdica (Bornm.) Bornm., op. cit. 33:195 (1915); D. trans-caucasica Pobed. in Not. Syst. (Leningrad) 12:136 (1949). Fl. 6-9. Igneous rock, limestone crevices, upland pastures, roadsides, 760-3000 m. Type: [W. Iran] inter Kermanschah et Bagdad, prope Kasri-Schirin, 2 iv 1894, Strauss s.n. (holo. W). Mainly E. Anatolia. A7 Gümüşane: S. side of pass on Of to Bayburt road, 1650 m, Apold et al. 166! A8 Erzurum: S. of Ispir, 1800 m, Barclay 706! B4 Konya: d. Kadinhan, Hub.-Mor. 14246! B5 Kayseri: Erciyas Da., 1500-3000 m, vi 1902, Penther & Zederbauer! B6 Sivas: Gök Pinar, 1600 m, Sorger 71-49-76! B7 Erzincan: Sipikör Da., 1676 m, Balls 1269A! B8 Erzurum: Palan-döken Da., 2900 m, Ehrendorfer et al. 787-114-18a! B9 Bitlis: 4 km W. of Reşadiye, 1800 m, D. 46071 (perianth lobes atypically small, 2-3.5 x 1.5 mm)! Van: Kerikas Da., 5 km S.W. of Arpat, 2400 m, Frödin 1939:245! B10 Kars: d. Aralik, Büyük Ağri Da., 2400-2600 m, D. 46978! C5 Niğde: Ala Da., on Demirkasyk, 2850 m, Findlay 230! C6 Hatay: Nur Da., 16 km S.W. of Yarpuz, 2120 m, Buttler & Erben 17844! S. Transcaucasia, N.W. & W. Iran, thus not endemic to Iran as stated in Rech. fil., Fl. Iranica (1972). Ir.-Tur. element. |