Thymelaeaceae |
![]() Daphne mucronata ROYLE |
![]() Daphne mucronata ROYLE |
Daphne L. |
D. mucronata Royle, I11. Bot. Himal. Mount. 1:322, 2: t. 81, f. 2a-i (1836). Syn: D. angustifolia C. Koch in Linnaea 22:611 (1849); D. acuminata Boiss. & Hohen. ex Stocks in Hooker, J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 4:180 (1852)! D. acuminata Boiss. & Hohen. ex Boiss. in Boiss., Diagn. ser. 1(12): 103 (1853)! D. mucronata Royle var. affghanica Meissn. in DC, Prodr. 14:536 (1857)! D. acuminata Boiss. & Hohen. ex Stocks var. kochii Meissn., loc. cit. (1857);D. angustifolia C. Koch var. affghanica (Meissn.) Keissler in Bot. Jahrb. 25:65 (1898)! Erect shrub 0.5-3 m. Branches reddish-brown, glabrous (very rarely pubes-cent) in leafy parts. Leaves subsessile or shortly petiolate, narrowly elliptic, (30-)40-60 x 5-9 mm, acuminate or mucronate, glabrous. Flowers fragrant, 8-14, in short terminal racemes; pedicels elongating to 5 mm. Bracts absent. Perianth sub-persistent, 9-14 mm, yellow-sericeous; lobes ovate, 4x2 mm, obtuse or broadly acute. Ovary pubescent. Fruit 7-9 mm, orange-red. Fl. 6-9. Rocky slopes of gorge, limestone, dry open fields, 1100-2280 m. Type: [W. Himalayas] Kunawur, Royle 166/5 (holo. LIV!). S.E. Anatolia. B9 Bitlis: 9 km S. of Bitlis, 1400 m, Hub.-Mor. 11527! Van: 5 km N. of Çatak, 1500- 2000 m, D. 23187! C9 Van/Hakkari: 164 km S. of Zap gorge, 1800 m, Birand & Karamanoğlu 410! Hakkari: below Çukurca, 1100 m, D. 44850! C10 Hakkari: Zap river, 1.6 km from turning to Yük-sekova, Trelawny 1314! Sat Da., between Yüksekova and Varegöz, 1900-2000 m, D. 45569! N. Iraq, Iran, Transcaucasia, Afghanistan to W. Himalayas; Arabia. Ir.-Tur. element. Closely allied to D. gnidioides but in Turkey is distinguished by its glabrous branches, larger leaves and flowers. After studying the species throughout its geographical range it was decided not to assign the Turkish material to any infraspecific group. Similar plants are found in Iraq, Afghanistan and W. Pakistan; those from Iran often have grey, very pubescent branches. Royle's specimen from N.W. India has grey-pubescent stems and much smaller (15-30 x 3-5 mm) leaves. |