Scrophulariaceae |
![]() Verbascum agrimoniifolium (C. KOCH) HUB.-MOR. subsp. agrimoniifolium (C. KOCH) HUB.-MOR. |
Verbascum L. |
V. agrimoniifolium (C. Koch) Hub.-Mor., comb, nov.+ subsp. agrimoniifolium. Syn: Celsia agrimoniaefolia C.Koch in Linnaea 22:732 (1849); C.heterophylla Desf. in Pers., Syn. Pl. 2:161 (1807); Verbascum hetero-phyllum (Desf.) O.Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2:469 (1891) non Miller (1760) nec Moretti (1822) nec Griseb. (1841) nec Velen. (1888). Ic: Jaub. & Spach, 111. Pl. Or., t. 404 (1853) as Celsia heterophylla. Biennial, 30-140 cm, glandular-pubescent below, glabrous above. Stem simple or branched. Basal leaves with pellucid glands and glandular hairs, small or to 35 cm, oblong, pinnatisect, with 4-10 pairs of lanceolate, serrate-dentate lateral lobes and larger, dentate-lobed terminal segment, more rarely lyrate-pinnatifid; cauline numerous, smaller, upper lobed or undivided. Inflorescence ± dense, many-flowered. Bracts cordate to ovate, acuminate or caudate, entire or lower dentate. Pedicels 10-20 mm, ebracteolate. Calyx 2.5-3.5 mm, with oblong-lanceolate, acute lobes. Corolla yellow, 10-12 mm diam., glabrous outside. Filaments with whitish-yellow wool, 2 anterior glabrous near apex. Capsule globose, 3-5 mm, glabrous. Fl. 6-7. Riversides, wet places, 550-1700 m. Type: Armenia, Tournefort (iso. P-Tourn. 760, photo!). E. Anatolia. B6 Maraş: Gujuk Sou (Göksun) to Kapalak (Kabaağaç), 11 vii 1906, G. & B. Post ! B7 Diyarbakir: Khan Kezzin to Arghany (Ergani), 27 vii 1906, G. & B. Post! Elaziğ: Elaziğ, vii 1944, Sayi! Erzincan: Egin (Kemaliye), Erekdere, Sint. 1890:2763! Malatya: 17 km from Malatya to Pötürge, 920 m, Hub.-Mor. 8835! B8 Bingöl: 30 km from Solhan to Çapakçur, 1500 m, Hub.-Mor. 10636! Muş: Muş, 1600 m, Tosun & Karamanoğlu 1737! C6 Gaziantep/ Maraş: Aintab (Gaziantep) and Maraş, Aucher 2438. C7 Urfa: Urfa to Suerek (Siverek), 1843, Kotschy. C8 Mardin: Mardin, Sint. 1888:929! C9 Hakkari: Cilo Da., 1710 m, D. 23929! C10 Hakkari: Bacirge, D. 45258! Transcaucasia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Ir.-Tur. element. All Turkish material is referable to subsp. agrimoniifolium. Subsp. syriacum (Murb.) Hub.-Mor., comb. nov. (Syn: V. heterophyllum (Desf.) O. Kuntze subsp. syriacum Murb., Monogr. Celsia 137 (1925)) is confined to W. Syria. The species is related to V. coromandelianum (Vahl) Hub.-Mor. (Afghanistan, India, Ceylon, Burma, China). |