Scrophulariaceae |
![]() Linaria kurdica BOISS. ET HOHEN. subsp. pycnophylla (BOISS. ET BAL.) DAVIS |
Linaria MILLER |
L. kurdica Boiss. & Hohen. in Boiss., Diagn. ser. 1 (4): 73 (1844). Erect perennial, 30-90 cm, very variable. Stems stout or slender, paniculate or simple, densely foliose. Median leaves ovate, lanceolate or linear, 30-60 x1-25 mm, very acute or pungent, not amplexicaul, 1-5-nerved, glaucous, thick. Racemes very dense, 5-12 cm in flower. Bracts lanceolate, usually longer than pedicels, often deflexed. Pedicels 1-2(3) mm in flower, slender. Calyx lobes 2-4 mm, ovate, oblong or lanceolate, obtuse to acute, membranous-margined, glabrous, pubescent, tomentellous, villous or ciliolate, eglandular or rarely glandular. Corolla bright or sometimes dirty yellow, with or without violet or brown veins, 8-13 mm, bilabiate to -y-way; spur 5-10 mm, directed downwards, straight or ± incurved. Capsule 4-6 mm, often ± puberulent above, longer than calyx. Seeds winged, 2-2.5 mm, disc minutely tuberculate. Fl. 7-8(-9). 1.Calyx lobes tomentellous or white-tomentose, always obtuse, 2-3 mm 2. Calyx crisply tomentellous (sometimes glandular), hairs not completely hiding the surface; corolla yellow, often violet-veined subsp. pycnophylla 2. Calyx densely white-tomentose, snowy white; corolla clear yellow subsp. eriocalyx 1. Calyx lobes glabrous, sparingly puberulent or only ciliolate, acute or obtuse, 2-4 mm 3. Median leaves linear to linear-lanceolate, only 1-4 mm broad, l(-3)-nerved; . corolla yellow, with or without violet veins subsp. araratica 3. Median leaves ovate elliptic to narrowly lanceolate, 7-20 mm broad, 3-5- nerved 4. Calyx lobes ovate to lanceolate, ± acute, 3-4 mm; corolla clear yellow and sometimes violet-veined subsp. kurdica 4. Calyx lobes ovate to ovate-oblong, obtuse, 2-3 mm; corolla dirty yellow (buff), often brown-veined subsp. aucheri subsp. pycnophyila (Boiss. & Bal.) Davis in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 36:9 (1978). Syn: L. pycnophyila Boiss. & Bal. in Boiss., Diagn. ser. 2(6): 129 (1859)! Rocky steppe, chalk hills, sandy fields, banks, 1000-2600 m. Type: [Turkey B5 Kayseri] in regione alpina montis Asian dach Cappadociae [â 12 lieues â l'E.S.E. du mont Argée (Erciyas Da.)], viii 1855, Balansa (holo. G !). Mainly Inner Anatolia. A7 Gümüşane: Stadodopi, Karagöl Da. above Artabir [Ertabil], Sint. 1894:7250 (calyx glandular)! A8 Erzurum: 120 km from Erzurum to Yusufeli, 1000 m, Stn. & Hend. 6148! Kop Da. pass, Furse 3735 (calyx glandular)! A9 Erzurum: 15 km E. of Horasan, 14 vi 1962, Andres! B6 Adana: d. Saimbeyli, Bozoğlan Da., 2000-2100 m, D. 19717 (calyx glandular)! B8 Erzurum: S. of Hinis, 1750 m, D. 46220! Muş: S.W. slope of Bingöl Da., D. 46142! B9 Van: 30 km from Başkale to Hoşap, S. of Güzel De. pass, 2600 m, D. 45909! Soviet Armenia? Ir.-Tur. element. As indicated for some specimens cited above, the calyx hairs are sometimes glandular in this subspecies. Some material from E. Anatolia is intermediate between subsp. pycnophyila and subsp. kurdica in calyx characters, thus making it impracticable to maintain Boissier's L. pycno-phyila as a separate species. See note under L. sintenisii. |