Salicaceae |
![]() Salix pedicellata DESF. subsp. pedicellata |
![]() Salix pedicellata DESF. subsp. pedicellata |
Salix L. |
S. pedicellata Desf., Fl. Atl. 2:362 (1800). Syn: S. nigricans sensu Boiss., Fl. Or. 4:1190 (1879) non Sm. (1802); S. libani Bornm. in Beih. Bot. Centr. 31B: 259(1914)! subsp. pedicellata. Ic: Andersson, Monogr. Sal. t. 4 f. 40 (1867); Coste, Fl. Fr. 3:268(1906). Figure 22. Tall shrub or tree, 2-10 m. Twigs red dish-brown, torulose, glabrous orgrey-tomentose when young. Decorticated wood with numerous prominent longi-tudinal ridges. Fertile buds convex, not flattened. Leaves broadly (ob-)lanceo-late, 3-4 x as long as broad, (3-)4.5-12 x 1.5-3 cm, apex acute, margin serrate, crenate or subentire, green on both surfaces or glaucous beneath, subglabrous; stipules large, semi-cordate, dentate, caducous. Catkins appearing before leaves, cylindrical, 3-6 x 1-1.5 cm; male densely golden-hairy, ± sessile, stamens 2, filaments hairy beneath, anthers 0.5-0.7 mm; female on short 3-12 mm stalks, 4-9 cm in fruit, rachis white-hairy; capsule conical, greenish, glabrous (rarely hairy), borne on a long pedicel 2-4.5 mm exceeding nectary by 6-8 x. Fl. 4-5. Streamsides, damp places, on limestone and granite slopes, 15-1500 m. Type: [Tunisia] ad rivulos Sbibae in regno Tunetano, Labillardière (holo. P). N. & S. Anatolia, Islands. A8 Gümüşane: Köse Da., 20 viii 1890, Sint. s.n. (sterile; fertile specimen needed for verification). B6 Malatya: Erkenek, 1500 m, Balls 2318 p.p.! C3 Antalya: Kumluca to Bey Da., 920 m, Şeker & Turan (ISTO 5984)! Isparta: Dedegöl Da., 1400 m, Sorger 68-43-89! C4 Konya: 60 km W. of Mut, 700 m, Sorger 66-30-10! C5 Içel: Cehennem De., Namrun Y., Merev (KATO 2106)! Adana: Karsanti, Söğüt, 1350 m, Yurdakulol 10! C6 Hatay: Belen, Kirikhan, Sint. 1888:105! Gaziantep: Gaziantep to Kilis, Kaplan De., 700 m, Örümcek (ISTO 4342)! Maraş: Zeytun to Berit Da., 1220 m, Balls 1071! N.W. Africa, S. Spain, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, Latakia, Lebanon. Medit. element. Balls' gathering from Maraş is unusual in having leaves glaucous beneath and capsule adpressed-pubescent; this may be the result of intro-gression. Subsp. canariensis (Chr. Sm.) A. Skv. occurs in the Canary Islands. |