Salicaceae |
![]() Salix elbursensis BOISS |
Salix L.
S. elbursensis Boiss., Diagn. ser. 1(12): 117 (1853). Syn: S. tenuijulissensu Görz in Feddes Rep. 28:128 (1930) non Ledeb. (1833); S. roopii (Görz) Grossh., Fl. Kavk. ed. 2, 2:23 (1945). Figure 22. Shrub or small tree 2-5 m, with long flexible branches. Twigs pale brown to dark purple, glabrous; buds glabrous. Decorticated wood smooth. Leaves oblanceolate to linear, 30-100 x 5-10(-l5) mm, dark green above, paler or whitish beneath, glabrous or silvery-sericeous when young, acute, margin flat, serrate in upper half; petiole 1-3 mm. Stipules usually absent. Catkins cylin-drical, dense, appearing ± with leaves; male 20-40 x 7-9 mm, bracts often blackish at apex, densely pilose mainly on inner side, stamens 2, filaments united along their whole length, hairy at base, anthers 0.5-0.6 mm; female 15-35 x 7-8 mm in fruit, bracts green or brownish, 0.7-1.5 x 0.6-1 mm, sparsely pilose; capsule ovoid, subsessile or with to 0.4 mm pedicel. Fl. 6. Scrub at edges of rivers, 1200-1950 m. Type: [N. Iran] secus rivos in monte Elbrus (Alborz mts.) prope Derbent Persiae borealis, Kotschy 154 (iso. E!). N.E. & E. Anatolia. A7 Gümüşane: Kop Köyü, 1300 m, Tobey 2060! A8 Gümüşane: 5 km from Bayburt, by Çoruh river, 1500 m, Görz 428! A9 Kars: Kars, Tiaklitz valley near Sarikamiş, Roop! B6 Malatya: 5 km N.W. of Darende, 1200 m, Sorger 77-105-36! B8 Erzurum: Erzurum, Sapozhnikov! B9 Van: 11 km W. of Hoşap, 1950 m, D. 44690! C9 Siirt: Şirnak, 1400 m, D. 42693! C10 Hakkari: Bacirge, 1700-1800 m, D. 45269! N. Iran. Hyrcano-Euxine element. A puzzling gathering from B7 Sivas: Kizil Da. pass to Imranli, 1800 m, Rech. 44431b, is unusual in having well-developed stipules and leaves serrate throughout; the young leaves and buds are densely pubescent. It could be a local inbred segregate, or a hybrid; further collections are needed. |