Salicaceae |
![]() Salix armenorossica A. SKV |
![]() Salix armenorossica A. SKV |
Salix L.
S. armenorossica A. Skv. in Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk Arm. SSR 15: 127 (1966). Syn: S. viminalis sensu Boiss., Fl. Or. 4:1191 (1879) non L. (1753); S. gmelinii sensu Görz in Feddes Rep. 28:126 (1930) non Pallas (1788);S. serotina sensu Görz in Feddes Rep. 36:26 (1934)non Pallas (1776). Figure 22. Similar to S. viminalis L. but with upper surface of leaves paler green and adpressed-puberulous, bracts usually black, and style 0.8-2 mm, longer than stigma; usually a 2-3 m shrub. Fl. 4-5. Streamsides and river banks, 1400-2500 m. Type: [Turkey A9] Kars: d. Kaghyzman, in ripis fl. Kjaklik, 11 vii 1914, Turkevicz (holo. LE!). N.E. & E. Anatolia. A7 Gümüşane: N. side of Vavuk Da. between Gümüş-ane and Bayburt, 1600 m, Görz 595! A8 Gümüşane: by Çoruh river above Bayburt, 1500 m, Görz 473! Erzurum: Oltu, ruins of Vank, 26 v 1912, Sosnovsky! A9 Kars: Sarikamiş, 27 vii 1885, Massalsky! B8 Muş: 17 km S. of Varto, 1400 m, Ehrend. et al. 787-83-6! Bingöl: Bingöl, Kotschy 1859: Suppl. 574 (fide Görz 1930:127). Erzurum: 29 km from Hinis to Pasinler, 1800 m, D. 46393! B9 Ağri: 15km from Eleşkirt to Horasan, E. of Tahirpass, 2200m, D. 47129! Van: 11 km W. of Hoşap, 1950 m, D. 44689! B10 Ağri: Kazik-ibaran, 28 vi 1871, Radde! Caucasia. Euxine element. The hybrid with S. elbursensis has been recorded with the parents from A8 Gümüşane: 5 km above Bayburt, on an island in the Çoruh river, 6 vi 1931, Görz. |