Rutaceae |
![]() Haplophyllum schelkovnikovii GROSSH. |
![]() Haplophyllum schelkovnikovii GROSSH. |
![]() Haplophyllum schelkovnikovii GROSSH. |
H. schelkovnikovii Grossh. in Beih. Bot. Centr. 44(2): 225 (1927). Stems moderately to densely furnished with flexuous white hairs. Leaves usually entire, lanceolate, moderately to densely white-hairy, attenuate and sub-petiolate below, occasionally trisect with linear-lanceolate segments. Inflorescence compact, laxer in fruit, branches ± densely white-lanate. Sepals deltoid-ovate, persistent. Petals bright yellow, deltoid-ovate, narrowed at the tip, cucul-late, sometimes almost rostrate, 5-6 mm. Filaments abruptly dilated and ± parallel-sided in the lower half. Young ovary segments biovulate, densely pubescent, each with a conspicuous apical tubercle, soon much reduced as the capsule develops. Capsule ± densely lanate, with convex glands, the apical tubercle persisting as a small umbo on the upper dorsal surface or totally evanescent. Fl. 6-7. Fallow fields, c. 1750 m. Type: Transcaucasia, Nakhitchevan A.ssS.S.R., prope Dzhulfa, Grossheim (LE! W!). B9 Bitlis: Tatvan to Van, 1740 m, McNeill 638! Soviet Armenia. Ir.-Tur. element. Both Grossheim in the original description and Flora Kavkaza 6: 50 (1962) and Vvedensky in Fl. URSS 14: 219 (1949) describe the ovaries of this species as exappendiculate. In fact, as examination of the type specimen shows, the young ovaries are distinctly corniculate, though the corniculi may be obscured by the density of the indumentum. |