Rubiaceae |
![]() Galium subvelutinum (DC.) C. KOCH |
![]() Galium subvelutinum (DC.) C. KOCH |
Galium L. |
G. subvelutinum (DC.) C. Koch in Linnaea 24:465 (1851). Syn: Asperula subvelutina DC, Prodr. 4:585 (1830); G. subvelutinum (DC.) C. Koch subsp. subvelutinum sensu Ehrend. in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 22:368 (1958) p.p. Figures 25 & 27. Map 112. Perennial with rootstock and herbaceous or ± woody stem bases. Stems 15-25 cm, ascending, lax or suberect, ± stiff, often branched, densely pubescent in lower 1/2, more sparingly to glabrescent above; lowest 1-2 internodes short, ± equalling leaves, middle and upper few, elongate to 6 cm. Leaves in whorls of 6, ± erect to somewhat spreading, 10-20 x l-2(-2.5) mm, linear-oblong, obtusish to acute, densely puberulent, with inconspicuous vein. Thyrses short, ± ovoid, with corymbiform cymes consisting of subfasciculate flowers, very sparingly puberulent to glabrous. Lowest bracts leaf-like, pubescent, upper reduced, finely puberulent to glabrous. Pedicels thin, 1.5-4 mm. Corolla white, (2.5-)3-4.5(-5) mm; tube 0.3-0.6 mm,lobes ovate-oblong, obtusish to subapiculate, 1.2-2(-2.5) mm, often hairy outside. Anthers lenticular to ellipsoid, 0.3-0.5 mm, yellowish. Ovary sometimes sparingly hairy. Mericarps broadly ellipsoid, 2-2.5 mm, subgranulate, ± glabrous. Fl. 6-7. Rocky slopes, scree, 2100-3000 m. Type: [Iran] in Persia ad montem Elwind, Olivier & Bruguiere (holo. G—DC, photo!). S.E. Anatolia; rare. B9 Van: Artos Da., c. 3000 m, D. 22823! N, side of Erek Da., above Değirmenköy, 2100-2250 m, D. 44454! road from Hoşap to Başkale, N. side of Çuh pass, 2900 m, 9 vii 1951, Simon! C10 Hakkari: Sat Da., between Varegöz and Sat G., 2900-3000 m, D. 45586! Georgia, Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. In the N. parts of the area, aberrant glabres-cent to glabrous forms with large corollas (to 4.5 mm diam.) occur, e.g. D. 22823 and D. 44454; they appear to approach G. nabelekii. |