Rosaceae |
![]() Sorbus umbellata var. cretica |
Sorbus L. |
S. umbellata (Desf.) Fritsch in Kerner, Sched. Fl. Austro-Hung. 7: N. 2449 (1896). Map 29, p. 153. Shrub or small tree up to 5-7 m, with a spherical crown and dark reddish-brown twigs. Leaves 4-11 x 3.5-10 cm, obovate to orbicular, obtuse to shortly acute, base rounded or cuneate, dentate, green above, white-tomentose beneath. Petiole 5-20 mm. Inflorescence 5-11 cm diam., loose or compact, 14-42-flowered. Flowers 15-20(-22) mm diam.; styles 2. tomentose near base. Fruit 9-16 mm, globose, scarlet, lenticels conspicuous or inconspicuous; seeds 6-7 mm, triangular, brown. An extremely polymorphic species (close to S. aria (L.) Crantz-for a discussion of the differences between these species see Kovanda in Acta Dendrol. Cech. 3, 1961), with numerous forms, some of which have been described as independent species. Four easily recognizable varieties are found in Turkey: 1. Leaves light green above, densely white-tomentose below; teeth large, sub-obtuse, broad at base, 10-15 on each side; veins 6-7(-8)-paired 2. Leaves orbicular, broadly ovate or elliptic-obovate, base and apex usually rounded var. umbellata 2. Leaves obovate to subrhombic, acuminate, base cuneate var. taurica 1. Leaves dark green above, loosely and rather thinly tomentose below; teeth irregular, small, acute, 20-35 on each side; veins 7-9(-12)-paired 3. Leaf base rounded; fruit with conspicuous lenticels var. orbiculata 3. Leaf base ± cuneate; fruit with inconspicuous lenticels var. cretica var. cretica (Lindl.) Schneider, I1I. Handb. Laubh. 1:690, f. 379, e-i (1906). Syn: Sorbus aria (L.) Crantz var. cretica Lindl. in Trans. Hort. Soc. London 7:236 (1830); S. cretica (Lindl.) Fritsch, loc. cit. (1896); S. graeca (Spach) Hedl., op. cit. 75, f. 20 (Î901) incl. var. cuneaıa Zinserl. in Fl. URSS 9:398, t. 26 f. 12 (1939) nom. nud. Ic: Fi. Iraq 2:112. t. 16 (1966). Fl. 6. Rocky slopes, upper limit of Quercus forest, Quercus or Juniperus scrub, etc., 1000-2500 m. Described from plants cultivated in Paris. Widespread but local in Anatolia. A4 Zonguldak: Kel tepe above Sorgun Y., 1700 m. D. 37902! A6 Sivas: c. 100 km from Sivas to Suşehri, 1750 m, 3 viii 1962, M. & D. Zohary! A8 Çoruh: mountain above Artvin, 1700 m, D. 29756! A9 Erzurum:nr. Oltu. 1 vii 1911, Sosnovsky! B1 Balıkesir: Ida (Kaz Da.), Sint. 1883: 463! B3 Eskişehir: Mihaliççik, 1750 m, Musapaşaoğlu (ISTO 4589)! B5 Kayseri: Erciyas Da.,2000 m.Siehe 1898:319! B7 Tunceli: Munzur Da., Aksu De., above Ovacik, 1700 m, D. 31499! B9 Bitlis: Nemrut Da., D. 23501! B10 Ağri: border range Shakh-ioly. 19 vii 1886, Massalsky! C2 Denizli: Honaz Da., Çeyhan et al. (ISTO 7158)! C3 Antalya: Bozburun Da., nr. Taşli Y., 1700 m, D. 15600! C5 Içel: Gülek Boğazi, 1350 m, 23 viii 1853, Kotschy! C6 Maraş: Zeytun (Suley-maniye), Balls 1068! C10 Hakkari: Zap valley, nr. Koçanes, d. Çölemerik, Nábélék 1817' Is: Rodhos, Biliotti & Cottret. C. & S. Europe, S.W. Asia. |