Rosaceae |
![]() Potentilla humifusa WILLD. |
![]() Potentilla humifusa WILLD |
Potentilla L. |
P. humifusa Willd., in Ges. Nat. Freunde Berlin Mag. 7:289 (1816). Syn: P. adenophylla Boiss. &Hohen. in Boiss.,Diagn. ser. 1(3):5 (1843)! P. opaciformis Th. Wolf in Bibl. Bot. 71:573, t. 19 (1908). Procumbent perennial with slender caudices; flowering stems 5-15 cm, ascending. Stems and petioles with long patent hairs borne on minute tubercules, short hairs and usually also with ± sessile yellow glands. Leaves digitate; leaflets 5 or 7, obovate, 10-20 x 6-12 mm, attenuate, dentate or crenate-dentate, long-pilose. Flowers in lax cymes. Epicalyx segments linear-lanceolate, as long as ovate-lanceolate, 3-5 mm sepals. Petals yellow, obovate, 5-7 mm, longer than sepals. Achenes smooth; style filiform, papillose, as long as achenes. Fl. 4-7. Alpine pastures, 1000-2700 m. N., C. & E. Anatolia. A4 Kastamonu: Büyük Ilgaz Da., Sint. 1892:3989, 4774! A7 Trabzon: Zigana Da., 1600 m, Tobey 1989! A9 Çoruh: d Ardanuç, Yalnizçam gediği, 2400 m, 21 vi 1961, Kerck 40/9! B6 Sivas: Çamlibel Da., 1400 m, Bornm. 1893:3337! B8 Erzurum: Tech Dagh (Tek Da.) above Erzurum, 2400-2700 m, vii 1853, Huet! Erzurum, Aucher 4493 (syntype of P. adenophylla)! B10 Kars: N.E. slope of Ağri Da., below Serdar Bulak, 2300 m, D. 43796a! Ağri: d. Doğubayazit, Çingil, 2000 m, 15 v 1916, Schischkin. S. Russia, Caucasia, N. Asia. Euro-Sib. element. Very close to P. opaca. |