Rosaceae |
![]() Crataegus meyeri POJARK. |
Crataegus L. |
C. meyeri Pojark. in Fl. URSS 9:500, t. 29 (1939). Syn: C. pectinata C.A. Meyer ex Hohen, Enum. Talysch 130 (1836) pro parte, nomen nudum; C. tournefortii C. Koch, Crataegus und Mespilus 47 (1854), non Gris. (1843); C. ambigua C. A. Meyer var. hohenackeri Schneider, I1I. Handb. Laubh. 1:785 (1906) Figure 3, p. 143. Map 24, p. 141. Shrub or small tree 2-4(-5) m; spines 0.5-1.5 cm. Leaves 2.5-5 x 2-3.5 cm, grey-villous, more densely so beneath; on short shoots the lower leaves oblong-oval to obovate, narrowly cuneate at base, apex toothed or shallowly 3-lobed; upper leaves with 5(-7) narrow lobes dentate at apex; leaves on long shoots with 5-7 horizontally spreading lobes; petioles 1-2 cm. Inflorescence 3-15-flowered, villous. Flowers white; pedicels up to 1-2 cm; calyx like hypanthium, velutinous; sepals oblong to triangular-lanceolate, refiexed in fruit; styles (l-)2. Fruit ovoid-globose, 12-18 mm diam., glabrous or thinly hairy towards apex and base, especially when young; pyrenes (l-)2. Fl. 5-6. Sloping meadows, rocky slopes, 1300-2050 m. Type: [Soviet Armenia] in vicinitate urbis Erevan, in faucibus fl. Gjarniczai prope monasterium Gehart, Pojarkova 792 (holo. LE!). Inner Anatolia. A6 Sivas; between Suşehri and Sivas, c. 100 km N.E. of Sivas, 1750 m, M. & D. Zohary 198/5! B5 Kayseri: Erciyas Da., N. of Seisaly, c.1600 m, vi 1902, Zederbauer! B7 Sivas: Divriği, Damidağ, T. Bay top 12990! B9 Van: 5 km N. of Çatak, D. 23186! C5 Taurus, Kotschy 1836:189! C9 Hakkari: 6 km from Hakkari to Kaval (Piyanis), 2050 m, D. 45431! CIO Hakkari: Sat Da., between Yüksekova and Varegöz, 1900-2000 m, D. 45568! Caucasia, W. Iran, N. Iraq. Ir.-Tur. element. This species appears to be identical in all respects except style number with C. szovitsii and will almost certainly prove to be conspecific. These two species together should perhaps be treated as a single ± stabilized species of hybrid origin, with C. orientalis and C. aronia as parents. If so, then the maintenance of a single species with a variable style number (2-4) would seem biologically reasonable, despite the fact that it would break down the distinction between the two traditional sections, Azaroli and Crataegus. |