Rosaceae |
![]() Cotoneaster nummularia FISCH. ET MEY. |
Cotoneaster MEDIK. |
C. nummularia Fisch. & Mey. in Ind. Sem. Horti Petrop. 2:34 (1836). Syn: C. racemiflorus (Desf.) C. Koch var. nummularia (Fisch. & Mey.) Dippel, Handb. Laubh. 3:415 (1893). Ic: Mout., Nouv. Fl. Lib. Syr. Atlas 2: t. 78 f. 1 (1970). Shrub up to 2.5 m or more, or sometimes low and spreading. Leaves broadly elliptic to orbicular, up to 4 x 3.5 cm (usually not longer than 2 cm), on short shoots mucronate, sometimes emarginate, on long shoots acute, upper surfaces sparsely hairy when young, becoming glabrous, lower surfaces greyish-tomentose or occasionally subglabrous; petioles 2-3 mm, sometimes more on long shoots. Inflorescence compact, 3-7-flowered. Petals white, spreading. Pedicels, receptacle and sepals white-tomentose. Fruit red, turbinate or subglobose, 6-8 mm long, pubescent when young, becoming glabrous on maturity; pyrenes 2. Fl. 4-6. Limestone rocky slopes and shady banks, in steppe and among open scrub and small trees, (300-)800-2300(-3100) m. Syntypes: [Soviet Talysh] in montibus Talüsch; [Georgia] in Iberia, et in montibus Samamisicus. Anatolia, except the W. A2(A) Bilecik: Kara-su valley, 300-400 m, Bornm. 1929:13409! A3 Bolu: Karaköy, N.W. of Beypazari, Kühne 370! A4 Ankara: nr. Karagöl, 1000 m, Guichard 37! A5 Kastamonu: N. of Kastamonu, 800 m, D. 38520! A6 Amasya: Erbaa (Çatalan), 900 m, Tobey 655! A7 Gümüşane: Stado-dopi, Sint. 1894:5691! A8 Çoruh: 5 km N.W. of Artvin, 300 m, Zohary & Plitm. 2562-11! A9 ?Kars: 'in jugo Karakola', c. 2000 m, Schischkin. B3 Afyon: Afyon-karahisar, Baytop 9368! B4 Ankara: Elma Da., 1800 m, Kotte! B5 Nevşehir: Göreme, c. 10 km W. of Ürgüp, c. 1000 m, McNeill400! B6 Sivas: Ulaş, between Sivas and Malatya, Reese. B7 Tunceli: Munzur Da., above Ovacik, 2100 m, D. 31317! B8 Muş: 14 km from Varto to Hinis, E. side of Bingöl Da., 2050, D. 46216! B9 Bitlis: Tatvan, 1900 m, Tong 28! BIO Ağri: Mt. Ararat (Ağri Da.), Tchihatcheff. C3 Isparta: Kara Tepe, c. 1300 m, Sorger 66-44-29! C4 Konya: Yemsurdaba Da., nr. Ermenek, Peronin! C5 Niğde: Ala Da., Arpalik Cave, 2190 m, Parry 165! C6 Maraş: Ahir Da., 1850-2150 m, Har adj. 1644! C7 Adiya-man: Karatschor to Kumik, N. of Kahta, Hand.-Mazz. C9 Hakkari: Cilo Da., in Diz deresi at Sua, 2000 m, D. 23960! CIO Hakkari: 8 km from Şemdinli to Yüksekova, 1700 m, D. 44973! Crete, Cyprus, Latakia, Lebanon, N. Iraq, Caucasia, W. Iran. This species belongs to the C. racemiflorus aggregate, a group of taxonomically difficult taxa (vide Pojarkova, op. cit. & Klotz, op. cit. for a fuller treatment of this aggregate). A specimen from A6 Samsun: (between Samsun and Ladik, Kayacık & Eliçin 2172, which differs in its sparsely pubescent calyx and more elongate leaves, may be referable to the Crimean C. tauricüs Pojark. (in Not. Syst. (Leningrad) 8:138, 1940). The specimen is, however, too poor to be certain. Hybrids between C. nummularia and C. multiflorus are known (q.v.). |