Ranunculaceae |
![]() Delphinium cyphoplectrum BOISS. var. stenophyllum BOISS |
![]() Delphinium cyphoplectrum BOISS. var. stenophyllum BOISS |
Delphinium L. |
D. cyphoplectrum Boiss., Diagn. ser. 1(6): 7 (1845). Slender perennial, 25-60 cm, upper part of stem crisply puberulent, glandular-pubescent or glabrous. Stem flexuose, terete, striate. Median cauline leaves long-petioled with narrowly vaginate bases, 3-10 cm across, multisect into linear laciniae. Raceme linear, lax, 2-3.5 cm broad. Bracts linear-lanceolate, much shorter than pedicels; bracteoles similar, attached near base of pedicels, rarely median. Flowers varying from deep violet-blue to dirty white, 16-24 mm; sepals widely spreading; petals ± exserted; spur about as long as sepals, tapering and subacute or ± cylindrical, obtuse or subsaccate. Follicles pubescent or glabrous. Three varieties can be provisionally recognised in Turkey: 1. Inflorescence crisped-puberulent; spur tapering, subacute; flowers 16-20 mm, dusky violet var. stenophyllum 1. Inflorescence glandular-pubescent or glabrous; spur ± cylindrical, obtuse or subsaccate; flowers 20-24 mm 2. Flowers deep violet-blue; laciniae of median leaves less than 1 mm broad var. vanense 2. Flowers whitish; laciniae of median leaves broader var. pallidiflorum var. stenophyllum Boiss., Fl. Or. 1:91 (1867). Syn: D. hybridum var. laxiusculum Boiss., Fl. Or. 1: 89 (1867)! D. laxiusculum (Boiss.) Nevski in Fl. URSS 7: 175 (1937)! Lectotype: Iran: in Persia boreali prope Schambulagh, Szowits (G; K!). N. Armenia. A9 Kars: Kağizman, Levandovsky (LE)! This apparently differs from var. cyphoplectrum (Iran) in its narrower laciniae, more pointed sepals and attenuated spur, and usually less branched stems. It grows in Transcaucasia, N. & N.W. Iran. |