Poaceae |
![]() Vulpia ciliata DUMORT subsp. ciliata |
Vulpia C. C. GMELIN |
V. ciliata Dumort., Obs. Gram. Belg. 100 (1824). subsp. ciliata. Syn: Festuca ciliata Danth. ex Lam. & DC, Fl. Fr. ed. 3, 3:55 (1805) non Gouan (1762) nec Link (1799). Ic: Fiori.Ic.Fl. Ital.f. 327 (1896); Anal. Inst. Bot. Cavanilles 22:114, t. 1-3 (1964). Figure 19. Stems 3-45 cm, usually erect. Leaf sheaths smooth. Ligules truncate, ex-tremely short. Inflorescence a sparingly branched, erect or sometimes slightly nodding panicle or raceme, 3-20 cm, usually partly included in uppermost sheath; pedicels 0.2-2 mm. Spikelets (5-)7-10.5 mm (excl. awns);proximal 1-3 florets hermaphrodite, distal 2-7 florets sterile, often with longer and broader lemmas with shorter awns. Upper glume 1.5-4 mm, acute, but apex often breaking off and appearing truncate or obtuse; lower glume 0.1-1 mm, less than 1/4 x upper. Lemma of hermaphrodite florets 5-6.5 mm (excl. awn), finely 3-veined or with 2 extra short veins, usually pubescent on dorsal midline and sparsely ciliate, rarely glabrous or scabrid; awn usually 1-2 x lemma;lemma of sterile florets to 8 mm (excl. awn), usually densely ciliate, sometimes ± glabrous; callus c. 0.1 mm, rounded, glabrous. Stamens l(-3);anthers0.4-0.6(-l.6)mm, included at anthesis. Ovary glabrous. Fl.4-8. Roadsides, limestone and shaley slopes, disturbed steppe, dry banks, phrygana, Quercus scrub, s. 1.-1400 m. Type: The figure (excl. descr.) in Host, Gram. Austr. 4: t. 65 (1809)! based on a plant collected from [Jugoslavia] 'Dalmatiae arenosis, herbidis ad mare: copiose in insula Vergada, Vaena'. Widespread. A1(E) Tekirdağ: 4 km E.N.E. of Saray, Bauer & Spitz. 561! A1(A) Balikesir: Marmara adasi, E. Tuzlaci (ISTE 40408)! A2(E) Istanbul: Rumelihisar, A. Baytop (ISTE 7650)! A2(A) Istanbul: Maltepe, A. Baytop (ISTE 5897)! A3 Bilecik: 10 km N. of Bilecik, 600 m, Sorger 64-8-11! A5 Amasya: Havza to Merzifon, T. Baytop (ISTE 15450)! A7 Trabzon: Maçka, 250 m, Stn. & Hend. 5894! A9Kars: 25 km from Tuzluca to Kağizman, 1000 m, Sorger & Kit-Tan 84-69-11! B1 Izmir: Çeşme, Buttler 79-342! B2 Uşak to Abide, A. Baytop (ISTE 25783)! B3 Konya: Akşehir, Bornm. 1899:5668. B4 Ankara: Kirikkale to Elmadağ, T. Baytop(ISTE 15478)! B5 Niğde: Hasan Da., Taşpinar to Taşpinar Y., 1300 m, D. 19017 p.p.! B6 Sivas: Gürün, 1400 m, Stn. & Hend. 5247! B7 Elazığ: nr Firat river, Malatya to Elaziğ, 600 m, It. Leyd. 1959:1445! B8 Bitlis: 13km from Baykan to Bitlis, 1150m, D. 43145! C1 Muğla: Bodrum to Karaova, 200 m, D. 40970! C2 Muğla: Marmaris, Buttler 25634! C4 Içel: Anamur, 1872, Péronin! C6 Gaziantep: Nizip to Birecik, 450 m, D. 27930! C7 Urfa: 32 km from Urfa to Hilvan, 700 m, D. 28249! C8 Mardin: 24 km from Mardin to Diyarbakir, 1000 m, D. 28830! Is: Lesvos, 2 km S.E. of Aspropotamos, s.l.-5 m, Edmondson & McClintock 2391! Tok-makia, Barbalias, s.l.-50 m, Edmondson & McClintock 2456! Psara, 10-20 m, Greuter 10931! Fournoi, Rech. 4596f. W. Europe, Mediterranean area, Crimea, Caucasia, S.W. & C. Asia. |