Poaceae |
![]() Festuca oreophila MARKGR.-DANNENB. |
![]() Festuca oreophila MARKGR.-DANNENB |
Festuca L. |
F. oreophila Markgr.-Dannenb. in Willdenowia 11:208 (1981). Syn: F. ovina L. subsp. sulcata Hackel var. hypsophila St.-Yves in Candollea 5:111 (1932) excl. syn. F. krylowiana Reverd., non F. hypsophila Phil. (1891); F. valesiaca Schleicher ex Gaudin subsp. hypsophila (St.-Yves) Tzvelev in Bot. Zhurn. 56:1255 (1971). Figure 16. Map 81. into rather stout fibres, lowermost squamiform and bladeless;ligule 2-4 mm, acute, lacerate. Leaf blades 3-4 mm broad, flat (but convolute when dry), rigid, hard, more than 1/2 x stem, narrowed in apical 1/3, with obtuse apex, scabrid on margin and the very prominent, truncate ribs; ribs with elongate bulliform cells between them; sclerenchyma strands stout, reaching veins from beneath but not from above. Panicle large, 20-30 cm, erect, lax, patent at anthesis; branches stout, scabrid, lowest one 6 cm (excl. spikelet-bearing por-tion). Spikelets whitish-glaucous, ovate-oblong, 10-11 mm, with 4-7 florets; rachilla segments setulose-ciliate. Glumes unequal, scarious, with scabrid keel; lower lanceolate, 1-veined, upper ovate-acuminate, 6.5-7 x 2.5-3 mm, 3-veined, reaching to 3/4 way up second lemma. Lemma ovate-acuminate, 7-8 x 3-3.5 mm, obtuse or rnucronate, scabrid, with 5 prominent veins, scarious-margined and broadly scarious in upper 1 /3. Palea with scabrid surface and scabrid-ciliate keels. Anthers 4-4.5 mm. Ovary hispid. 2n = 42. Fl. 6-7. Rocky screes, 1500-3500 m. Type: [Iran] in locis schistosis montis Elbrus prope Derbent, vi 1846, Kotschy 245 (sub F. spectabilis Jan) (holo. HEID, iso. G!). E. Anatolia. A8 Erzurum: Pasinler to Horasan, 1650 m, D. 29388! B7 Erzincan: Keşiş Da. above Cimin, 1900-2100 m, D. 31768! B8 Erzurum: Palan-döken Da., N.W. side of Büyük Ejder Da., 2300 m, Holtz 00.817 et al.(!). B9 Van: d. Başkale, Ispiriz Da., 3500 m, D. 23755! Ağri: W. side of Tahir pass (Horasan to Eleşkirt, 2350 m, D. 47305(0. Iran, Afghanistan. Ir.-Tur. element. Related to the Mediterranean species F. spectabilis Jan. St.-Yves' citation of 'Lazistan' for this species (Candollea 3:446, 1928) is wrong, referring to Luristan in Afghanistan. Sect. Bovinae (E.M. Fries ex Anderss.) Hackel (Syn: Schedonorus P. Beauv., pro gen.; Festuca L. subgen. Schedonorus (P. Beauv.) Peterm.; F. *Bovinae E.M. Fries ex Anderss.). Large plants. Ligule short, often only a low fringe. Leaf blades broad, flat, with falcate clasping auricles at base. Lemma broadly lanceolate, with rather prominent veins, awnless or nearly so. Caryopsis oblong or oblong-ovoid, broadly concave ventrally, adherent to palea; hilum 3/5-3/4 x caryopsis. |