Poaceae |
![]() Festuca arundinacea SCHREBER subsp. arundinacea |
![]() Festuca arundinacea SCHREBER subsp. arundinacea |
Festuca L. |
F. arundinacea Schreber, Spic. 57 (1771). Borrill in Cytologia 41:230 (1976). subsp. arundinacea. Syn: F. elatior L. subsp. arundinacea (Schreber) Hackel, Monogr. 152 (1882). Ic: Reichb., Ic. Fl. Germ. ed. 2, 1: t. 140 f. 334 (1850); Hubbard, Grasses ed. 2:144 (1968);F1. Iraq 9: t. 29(1968). Figure 13. Map 78. Laxly caespitose perennial, with few leaves. Stems 30-150 cm, stout, smooth, terete. Leaf sheaths open to base, pale, not decaying into fibres; ligule a low rim with ciliate clasping auricles. Leaf blades flat, subconvolute when dry, rather rigid, 5-10 mm broad;ribs subequal, rounded, prominent for 1/2 their length, with bulliform cells between them; sclerenchyma strands on both sides of all or most veins, reaching them from beneath but not from above. Panicle 10-20 cm, lax, ovate-oblong, nodding at apex, with scabrid branches; lowest node with 2 branches, shorter one bearing usually 3 or more spikelets. Spikelets 10-12 mm, with 4-6 florets. Upper glume acute, 4.3 x 1.8 mm. Lemma ovate-lanceolate, 6.3-8 x 2.2 mm, 2-dentate, awnless or with a short awn not more than 1/4 x lemma. Ovary glabrous. 2n =42. Fl. 6-7. Damp gullies, riversides, water meadows, 300-2100 m. Type: [E. Germany] in prato acclivi hinter dem Biniz, loco humido, Schreber (holo. M). Mainly Turkey-in-Europe, W. & Inner Anatolia; rare E. of 38°E. A2(E) Istanbul: Tuzla, A. Baytop (ISTE 6694)! A2(A) Bursa: Ulu Da., 1800-1900 m, Hub .-Mor. 12512! A4 Ankara: 22 km N. of Ankara, Sorger 73-40-19! A5 Çorum: 42 km from Çorum to Iskilip, Kizil Irmak valley, 600 m, Coode & Jones 1724! A8 Çoruh: 26 km E. of Demirkent, 2100 m, Sorger 81-81-39!' Bl Izmir: Nif Da., 980 m, Buttler & Erben 17334! B3 Afyon: 18 km from Çay to Afyon, 1000 m, Coode & Jones 2379! B4 Ankara: Aksaray, Birand 220! B5 Kayseri: Bünyan, 1380 m, Welsh Pl. Breed. Station Turkey Exped. 1971:Bn954(2n = 42)! B6 Yozgat: d. Akdağmadeni, Gül Da., 1400 m, Ekim & Düzenli 3753! B7 Erzincan: 10 km E. of Erzincan, 1160 m, Welsh PL Breed. Station Turkey Exped. 1971 :Bn 952 (2n = 42)! B8 Erzurum: Erzurum Air-port, 11 vii 1967, J.G. Ross(!). B9 Kars: nr Kötek, 28 vi 1967, J.G. Ross(!). C5 Niğde: N. of Maden, 1830 m, Darrah 439! C1O Hakkari: 10 km from Yüksekova to Şemdinli, 1950 m, D. 45142! Is: Lesvos, Cand. Temperate Eurasia. Sect. Variae Hackel. Densely caespitose perennials with intravaginal innovation shoots. Leaf blades involute, narrow, ovate in cross section (in Turkish species); ligule of variable length, not auriculate. Florets of spikelet not closely imbri-cate, but separated by distinct rachilla segments. Glumes and lemma with scarious margins. Lemma awnless or nearly so. Ovary densely hispid. Cary-opsis oblong, flatly concave ventrally, free from palea; hilum 2/3-3/4 x or nearly as long as caryopsis. |