Papaveraceae |
![]() Papaver pseudo-orientale (FEDDE) MEDW. |
![]() Papaver pseudo-orientale (FEDDE) MEDW |
Papaver L. |
P. pseudo-orientale (Fedde) Medw. in Izv. Kavkaz. Muz. 11:204 (1918). Syn: P. intermedium DC. in Mem. Soc. Phys. Geneve 7:301 (1836) nom. illegit., non Becker (1828); P. bracteatum Lindl. var. pseudo-orientale Fedde in Engler, Pflanzenreich 40 (IV. 104): 365 (1909)! P. lasiothrix sensu Cullen in Davis, Fl. Turkey 1:222 (1965)! non Fedde (1909). Stems 40-60(-80) cm, erect, spreading-setose below, adpressed-setose above. Leaves to 45 cm. deeply pinnatisect to ± compound, with irregularly dentate margins. Cauline leaves 5-6, uppermost leaf arising from uppermost 1/3 of stem. Floral bracts present or absent, when present small, 1-4, with entire or dentate margins. Bud usually ovoid, always erect. Calyx 2- or 3-valved, with slender subpatent bristles. Petals 4 or 6, deep orange to vermilion ('scarlet' of many labels), each with a conspicuous black blotch, broader than long and above base (occasionally blotch absent). Filaments to 1.3 cm; anthers dark purple. Capsule to 2.5 cm. Disc flat; stigmas 9-19. 2n = 42. Fl. 6-8. Rocky slopes, meadows, steppe, cornfields, often near streams, 1450-2800 m; plants never growing in dense stands. Type: [Turkey A7 Gümüşane] Pontus, Szanschak Gümüschkhane, Argyridagh, [20 vi 1894], P. Sintenis 5989 (lecto. B, iso. BM! E! Fl, K! P, S — see Goldblatt, op. cit. 292, 1974). Mainly E. Anatolia. A9 Çoruh: Ardanuç to Kordevan Da., 1450 m, D. 30112! Kars: Horasan to Sarikamiş, Goldblatt 1002. B7 Erzincan: Keşiş Da. above Cimin, 2500 m, D. 31811! B8 Erzurum: 20 km from Hinis to Pasinler, 1950 m, D.46277! Muş: Varto, Tariman V. B9 Ağri: 3-5 km from Tutak to Hamur, 1600 m, D. 44039! Van: d. Başkale, Ispiriz Da., 2800 m, D. 23665! C5 Niğde: above Pertek, Andirmussun Da., Siehe 482! C10 Van: 22 km from Başkale to Hakkari, 2000 m, D. 44670! Hakkari: Sat Da. above Varegöz, 1750-1900 m, D. 45720! Transcaucasia, N.W. Iran. Hyrcano-Euxine element? |