Papaveraceae |
![]() Papaver curviscapum NABELEK. |
Papaver L. |
P. curviscapum Nábelek in Publ. Fac. Sci. Univ. Masaryk, Brno, 20 (1923). Biennial. Stems subscapose, setulose, up to 20 cm. Leaves bipinnatisect, setose-hispid on the veins beneath. Peduncles arcuate-curved, somewhat contorted, glabrous. Petals orange-red. Capsule obovate-oblong, 7-10(-l 1) x 5 mm, disc conical. Stigmas 4. Fl. 6. Rock fissures, c. 1500 m. Type: Turkey [C9] Prov. Hakkari. Mt. Choarra Sia supra Aine Nûne inter Amaden and Hasitha, dit. Amadia, 1500 m, 16 vi 1910, Nâbelek 811 (BRA!). Kurdistan. C10 Hakkari: Cilo Tepe, Diz De., Obs. Davis. N. Iraq. Ir.-Tur. element. Sect. Mecones Bernh. Annual herbs, glaucous or glabrous, or rarely sparsely setulose. Stem leaves amplexicaul, Stigmatic rays not keeled. Sinuses between the rays small. |