Malvaceae |
![]() Morina persica L. var. persica |
![]() Morina persica L. var. persica |
![]() Morina persica L. var. persica |
Azort Yaylası/Tortum |
Morina L. |
M. persica L., Sp. P1. 28(1753). Syn: M, orientalis Miller, Gard. Dict., ed. 8 (1768); M. verticillata Moench, Metf. Suppl. 186 (1802); M. wallichiana Royle, 111. Bot. Himal. Mount. 245, t. 55 (1839); M. tournefortii Jaub. & Spach, 111. PL Or. 5:31 (1854); M. aucheri Jaub. & Spach, op. cit. 32 (1854); M. graeca Jaub. & Spach, op. cit. 32 (1854); M. persica L. subsp. turcica Hal. in Öst. Bot. Zeitschr. 41:409 (1891); M. turcica (Hal.) Degen & Hal. ex Celak. in Bot. Jahrb. 17:396 (1893). Ic: Sibth. & Sm., Fl. Graeca 1: t. 28 (1806). Erect perennial with glabrous or pilose stems up to 1?5 m. Leaves whorled, coriaceous, lanceolate, margins sinuate, toothed with long spines; lower leaves glabrous, upper leaves glandular-pubescent. Flowers in 4-7(-10) whorls, fragrant. Corolla 3?5-5?5 cm, with very long tube, white at first, becoming pink or reddish, pubescent. Involucel 6-13 mm, tubular-campanulate, pilose, with spines at apex, usually 2 much longer than the others. Calyx 9-16 mm, 2-lobed, lobes entire or 2-lobed. Fl. 5-8. Rocky slopes, screes, roadsides, 300-2750 m. Type: in Persia ad Hispaham. Widespread: mainly in Inner Anatolia, though absent from the S.E. A1(A) Tekirdağ: Tekirdağ, 20 vi 1890, Degen. A4 Kastamonu: Kastamonu, T. Baytop 14198! A6 Tokat: Erbaa, 300 m, Tobey 682! A7 Gümüşane: Stavri, 2150 m, Balls 514! A8 Erzurum: 26 km from Tortum to Oltu, on W. side of pass, 2200 m, D. 47477! Bl Balıkesir: Mt. Ida (Kaz Da.), Sint 1883:439! B2 Kütahya: Emet to Gediz, 1150 m, D. 36591! B3 Afyon: 27 km S. of Emirdağ, 1100 m, Coode & Jones 2323! B4 Ankara: Dikmen De., Romieux. B6 Sivas: 56 km from Sivas to Kayseri, 1370 m, Apold et al. 33! B7 Malatya: Hekimhan to Malatya, 1400 m, Stn. & Hend. 5452! C2 Antalya: Elmali, Bourgeau 240! C3 Antalya: d. Elmali, Bey Da., 2000 m, Khan et al. 276! C4 Konya: 20 km from Konya to Beyşehir, c. 1200 m, Dudley, D. 35872! C5 Konya: Perinde nr. Ereğli, 1600 m, Siehe 1912: 232! C6 Adana: nr. Düldül, 1500-2100 m, Haradj. 2360! Greece, Lebanon, N. Syria, Iran, C. Asia. Ir.-Tur. element. |