Linaceae |
![]() Linum catharticum L. |
Linum L. |
L. catharticum L., Sp. P1. 281 (1753). Ic: Reichb., Ic. Fl. Germ. 6: t. 325: Ross-Craig, Draw. Brit. PL 6: t. 25 (1952). Slender, 8-25 cm annual (rarely biennial or perennant), with habit of Arenaria. Leaves opposite, oblong-elliptical, obtuse, 5-12 mm, the lower ones broadly obovate, smaller and crowded. Cyme lax. Sepals ovate elliptical, shortly acuminate, glandular-margined, 2-2.5 mm, as long as capsule. Petals white, 4-5 mm. Fl. 6-8. Stream-sides, flushes, moist banks, Rhododendron scrub, s.1.-2500 m. Described from N. Europe (Hb. Linn. 396/37!). A1(E) Çanakkale: Bolayir, Urumov. A2(E) Istanbul: Çatalca, Urumov. A3 Bolu: Adapazari to Bolu, 25 km from Bolu, 500 m, McNeill 245! A4 Kastamonu: N side of Ilgaz Da., 2100 m, D. 38378! A5 Kastamonu: Tosya, Sint. 1892: 4283. A7 Trabzon: Fol, 1100 m, obs. Hand.-Mazz. A8 Çoruh: mt. above Artvin, D. 29732! B4 Ankara: Beynam, D. 13049! B7 Erzincan: Keşiş Da., above Cimin, 2450 m, D. 31651! B9 Van: Erek Da., 1980 m, D. 22957! C2 Muğla: d. Fethiye, Girdev (Eren) Da. above Döğer, D. 13803! C3 Isparta: Anemas Da., 1845, Heldr.! C5 Niğde: Bereketli, Siehe 1919: 487! C9 Hakkari: mt. Kela Mame above Hoz (Hasitha to Şatak), 2500 m, Nâbelek 4489. Throughout most of Europe, N. W. Africa, Caucasia, N. & W. Iran. Euro-Sib, element. The Hakkari record was referred by Nâbelek to the perennant subsp. suecicum Hayek. Species imperfectly known |