Liliaceae |
![]() Gagea villosa (BIEB.) DUBY var. hermonis DAFNI ET HEYN |
![]() Gagea villosa (BIEB.) DUBY var. hermonis DAFNI ET HEYN |
![]() Gagea villosa (BIEB.) DUBY var. hermonis DAFNI ET HEYN |
Gagea SALISB. |
G.villosa (Bieb.) Duby, Bot. Gali. 1:467 (1828). Buibs with brown hard tunics, new bulb forming beside old, usually with a wrinkled skin, usually without recurved thickened roots. Basal leaves 2, linear, to 16 &B x 1-2.5 mm, exceeding inflorescence, D-shaped in section, glabrous or shortly hairy; more leaves, with bulbils in their axils at ground level, often preseat. Inflorescence subumbellate, 1-10 cm, hairy or glabrous. Cauline leaves opposite or subopposite, lower in robust specimens with a single flower or smaller umbel in its axil, very rarely with bulbils in axils, not exceeding flowers, to 9 mm broad. Fiowers 1-15. Perianth segments yellow, narrowly ovate, 7-10(-20) mm at flowering, elongating and curling to 11-18 mm in fruit, blunt, sometimes hairy outside, especially at base. Capsule obcordate or oyoid, emarginate. 1. Perianth segments less than 10 mm; flowers 1-4 var. hermonis 1. Perianth segments more than 10 mm; flowers more than 4, usually c. 8 var. villosa var. hermonis Dafni & Heyn in Israel J. Bot. 26:16, t. 4 (1977). Fl. 5-6, Mountain steppe and rocks, 1830-2500 m. Type: [Syria] Ut. Hermon, 2000 m, crevices, 29 iv 1969, A. Dafni s.n. (nolo. HU J, iso. K!). N., Inner & S.W. Anatolia. A6 Sivas: Yildiz Da., 2500 m, Bornm. 1890: 2599! A7 Gümüşane: col above Gümüşane, 1830 m, Furse & Synge 191! B3 Eskişehir: Sündiken Da., Ekim 706! B5 Kayseri: Erciyas Da., 2100 m, Balls 1415! B9 Van: Pelli Da., 2100 m, Rix 1882! C2 Antalya: Susuz Da., 2000 m, Sorger 63-35-90! Denizli: Honaz Da. above Çankurturan spring, 2250 m, Watson et al. 2563! Cyprus, Syria. Ir.-Tur. element? Differs from var. villosa primarily in its small size. Distribution of species: sum of the two varieties. Species doubtfully recorded |