Liliaceae |
![]() Bellevalia sarmatica (Pallasex Georgi)Woronow |
![]() Bellevalia sarmatica (Pallasex Georgi)Woronow |
![]() Bellevalia sarmatica (Pallasex Georgi)Woronow |
![]() Bellevalia sarmatica (Pallasex Georgi)Woronow |
Bellevalia LAPEYR. |
B. sarmatica (Pallas ex Georgi) Woronow in Bull. Jard. Bot. URSS 26:611 (1927). Syn: Hyacinthus sarmaticus Pallas ex Georgi in Nova Acta Acad. Pet-rop. 10:595 (1795); B. speciosa Woronow in Bull. Jard. Bot. URSS 26:613 (1927); ?B. trojana Feinbrun in Pal. J.Bot., Jer. Ser. 1:360(1940)! B. ciliata auct. non (Cyr.) Nees (1834). Ic: Fl. URSS 4: t. 23 f. 3 (1935). Figure 13. Map 43. Leaves 3-6, shorter than scape, outer one to 4 cm broad, glaucous, margin ciliate. Scape 20-40(-60) cm, stout. Raceme many-flowered, lax. Lower pedicels 2 cm or more, erect before anthesis, soon elongating and becoming recurved, finally very elongate and arcuate. Flower buds whitish. Perianth turning brownish with pale lobes, dark violet-brown when dry, 7-9(-10) mm, tubular-campanulate, lobes 1/2-2/3 x tube. Fruiting raceme broadly conical; lower pedicels patent to ascending, 8-10(-ll) cm. Valves of capsule 13-14 mm, elliptic-obovate or ovate, retuse. 2n=8. Fl. 4-6. Fallow fields, banks, steppe, 870-1900 m. Described from Crimea. Mainly N.W. Turkey & Inner Anatolia. A1(E) Çanakkale: Gallipoli (Gelibolu), Kilia (Kilyos), Durham 12! A 1(A) Çanakkale: Renkoei(Erenköy), Sint. 1883:63! A2(E) Istanbul: Hadimköy, A. Baytop (ISTE 6341)! A8 Erzurum: Aras river gorge, 1600 m, Tobey 2081! A9 Erzurum: 14.5 km from Horasan to Karaurgan, 1900 m, D. 29527! Bl Izmir: Yenisakran, Uzunoğlu 214 (cult. GB)! B4 Konya: 13 km N.E. of Sarayönü towards Cihanbeyli, 870 m, Hub.-Mor. 14419! B5 Nevşehir: E. of Topakli,70 km W.of Kayseri, 1200 m, Sorger 64-22-23! B6 Malatya: Kangal to Hekimhan, 1300 m, Stn. &Hend. 5394! B7 Tunceli to Pülümür, 9.6 km from Pülümür, D. 29206! B9 Ağri: 19 km E. of Taşliçay, 1800 m, Sorger 78-104-4! C8 Mardin: Mardin, 1867, Hausskn.! Romania (incl. Dobrudja), S. Russia, Crimea, Caucasia, N. Iran. Plants of B. sarmatica from N.W. Turkey have been misnamed as B. ciliata (Cyr.) Nees and have also been described as B, trojana (Sint. 1883:63). The former species has violet or lilac flower buds. Studies on living material are essential to resolve the problem. |