Lentibulariaceae |
![]() Pinguicula balcanica CASPER subsp. pontica CASPER |
![]() Pinguicula balcanica CASPER subsp. pontica CASPER |
![]() Pinguicula balcanica CASPER subsp. pontica CASPER |
![]() Pinguicula balcanica CASPER subsp. pontica CASPER |
Pinguicula L. |
P. balcanica Casper in Feddes Rep. 66:105 (1962). subsp. pontica Casper in Wiss. Zeitschr. Friedrich-Schiller Univ. Jena, Math.-Nat. R. 19(3):285 (1970). Syn: P. crystallina sensu C.Koch in Linnaea 19:26 (1846) non Sm. (1806); P. leptoceras sensu C.Koch, loc. cit. (1846) non Reichb. (1823); P. alpina Clementi in Mem. R. Acad. Torino ser. 2 (16):315 (1855). Ic: Casper, op. cit. (1970), t. 10 (hairs only). Heterophyllous. Leaves of generative rosette elliptic, 11-25 x 6-13 mm; leaves of vegetative rosette developing with flowers, narrowly oblong, 12-45 x 2-6 (-8) mm. Lobes of upper lip of calyx deeply divided, oval, triangular or lanceolate, those of lower lip connate or divergent. Corolla deep violet-purple, with whitish throat, ll-14.5(-17) mm, distinctly bilabiate, lower lip twice length of upper. Spur subulate, 3.2-5.5(-7.5) mm, straight or downward curved, not forming angle with corolla tube. Capsule exceeding calyx. Ft. 5-7. Wet alpine turf, stream banks, 1600-2745 m. Type: [Turkey A8 Rize] Lazistan, pres Djimil (Cimil), 2000 m, vii 1866, Balansa 327 (holo. GOET, iso. G-DC, K! P). N. & E. Anatolia. A2(A) Bursa: Ulu Da., 1600-1800 m, Moore 7302! ibid., 1700 m, Bornm. 1899:5512 (type of P. vulgaris var. olympica Bornm.)! A5 Kastamonu: Tossia (Tosya), nr Pertschim (Perçin) by Buyuk Ilgas Dagh (E. part of Ilgaz Da.), Sint. 1892:3404! A7 Gümüşane: Karagöl Da., Sint. 1894:7106! A8 Çoruh: Mağara Y., Şavval Tepe, Murgul, 2400 m, Stn. & Hend. 6032! Erzurum: Oltu nr Kabad-Eryuk Y., 13 vii 1911, Sosnovsky. Rize: Pontus mts. S. of Rize, 2745 m, Furse & Synge 883! B8 Erzurum: Erzurum, Calvert 646. B9 Van: d. Hoşap, Kepir Da., 2700 m, D. 23360b! C5 Içel: Bulgar Dagh (Bolkar Da.), Dasch Olugh (Taş Oluk) nr Meneusche, Kotschy 1853:356. Abkhazya, Transcaucasia. Euxine element. Subsp. balcanica is confined to the Balkans and differs in having short, broadly ovate lobes and upper lip of calyx, and straight, obtuse, cylindrical spur of corolla. |