Lamiaceae |
![]() Ziziphora clinopodioides LAM. |
![]() Ziziphora clinopodioides LAM. |
![]() Ziziphora clinopodioides LAM. |
Ziziphora L. |
Z. clinopodioides Lam., Encycl. 1:63 (1791). Syn [see Hedge, op. cit. (1961) for full synonymy] : Z. serpyllacea Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 1:18 (1808); Z. dasyantha Bieb., loc. cit. (1808); Z. canescens Bentham, Lab. Gen. Sp. 321 (1833); Z. brantii C. Koch in Linnaea 17:294 (1843);Z. clinopodioides Lam. vars. serpyllacea (Bieb.) Boiss., canescens (Bentham) Boiss., rigida Boiss. & dasyantha (Bieb.) Boiss., Fl. Or. 4:585-6 (1879); Z. rigida (Boiss.) Stapf in Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl. 50:39 (1885); Z. ronnigeri Náb. in Publ. Fac. Sci. Univ. Masaryk Brno 70:46, t. 11 f. 5 & 6 (1926); Z. bieber-steiniana Grossh. in Beih. Bot. Centr. 44(2):237 (1928); Z. borzhomica Juz. ex Grossh., Opred. Rast. Kavk. 343 (1949); Z. glabrata Rech. fil. in Phyton (Horn) 3:170 (1951); Z. raddei Juz. in Fl. URSS 21:400 (1954). Ic: Boul., Fl. Lib. Syr. t. 328 (1930), as var. canescens Boiss. Suffruticose, often mat-forming perennial. Stems prostrate to erect, much-branched from base, to 30 cm, glabrous or ± hirsute. Leaves very variable in size and shape, linear-lanceolate to ovate-oblong, rarely suborbicular, glabrous to ± pilose or velutinous. Bracts usually broader than leaves, sessile. Inflorescence a dense terminal head. Calyx 5-7 mm, glabrous to densely hirsute, frequently purplish in high-altitude forms. Corolla tube included in calyx (females) or shortly exserted (hermaphrodites). Corolla mauve to pale lilac (rarely white), (7-)l 0-12 mm, tube ± included in calyx. Fl. 7-9. Rocky slopes, steppe, scree, etc., 760-4100 m. Described from Siberia. S. & Inner Anatolia (one station in N.W. Anatolia). A6 Sivas: Yildiz Da., 1800-2300 m, Sorger 69-58-74! A7 Gümüşane: Kelkit to Gümüşane, above Köse, 1750 m, D. 31950b! A8 Rize: 8 km from Ispir to Rize, 1500 m, Stn. & Hend. 6252! A9 Kars: Yalnizçam Da. above Yalnizçam, 2100-2300 m, D. 32491! Bl Balikesir: Baba Da. N.E. of Kaz Da., 1100 m, E. Anglia Exped. B 21! B5 Niğde: Aksaray, Hasan Da., 1720 m, Düzenli 217! B6 Sivas: Ak Da., 2100 m, Bornm. 1889:1427! B7 Tunceli: MunzurDa., Aksu De. above Ovacik,1700 m, D. 31468! B8 Erzurum: Karakaya Da., N. of Hinis, 2250 m, Watson 3671! B9 Van: Süphan Da., 4100 m, D. 24690! B10 Ağri: Ağri Da., Serdar Bulak, 2200 m, T. Baytop (ISTE 4818)! C2 Antalya: Ak Da., 1700 m, Sorger 68-25-22! C3 Isparta: Dedegöl Da., 760 m, D. 16003! C4 Konya: Sara (Sari-vadi?), nr Ermenek, Peronin 182! C5 Niğde: Gülek-Maden, Bal. 1856:541 (type of Z. glabrata Rech. fil.). C9 Hakkari: Kara Da., 2745 m, D. 24366! Caucasia, N. Iraq, Iran (except S.), Afghanistan, C. Asia. Subdivision of this polymorphic, basically Irano-Turanian, species into formal infraspecific taxa does not seem to be practical, since the variation of different characters is far from homologous and is poorly correlated with variation within the species (sensu lato) from outside Turkey. The informal scheme presented by Hedge (op. cit.) permits the various morphological groups in Turkey to be recognised on the basis of habit, leaf-shape and indumentum. |