Lamiaceae |
![]() Thymus brachychilus JALAS |
![]() Thymus brachychilus JALAS |
Thymus L. |
T. brachychilus Jalas in Ann. Bot. Fennici 17:316, f. 1 (1980). Syn: T. hirsutus auct. non Bieb. (1819); T. cappadocicus auct. non Boiss. (1844)! T. pseudohirsutus Klokov, op. cit. 108 (1973) p.p. excl. typ.! T. boissieri Hal. var. vestitus sensu Ronniger in Bornm. in Feddes Rep. 49:249 (1940), an Hal. (1894)?
Similar to T. leucotrichus but stems and leaves with ± patent coarse hairs; leaves narrower, 0.4-0.8 mm wide; oil dots mainly orange to red; inflorescence weakly differentiated from vegetative shoots; bracts almost leaf-like, 0.8-1.5 mm wide, narrowly rhombic, gradually narrowed into a short petiole; upper lip of calyx shorter than lower teeth. Fl. 6-8. Rocks and screes, 1800-3660 m. Type: [Turkey C5 Niğde] region alpine du Taurus, au-dessus de Boulgar-maden, viii 1855, Balansa 501 (holo. W! iso. G! W!). S. & Inner Anatolia. B7 Erzincan: Munzur Da., 1971, Thoma! Tunceli: Munzur Da. above Ovacik, 2700 m, D. 31248! B9 Van: d. Gevaş, Artos Da., 3660 m, D. 22879! C5 Içel: Bolkar Da. N. of Arslanköy, c. 2500 m, Spitzen-berger 1970:110! Adana: S.E. part of Ala Da., 2300-3050 m, 1962, Urdl! Niğde: Ala Da., base camp, 2438 m, Wood & Gibson 89! Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. The plants from each mountain range seem to have some characteristic features of their own. Sometimes the distinction between this species and T. leucotrichus is not quite clear. The closest relatives are probably in N.W. Africa and S. Spain (e.g. T. serpylloides Bory). A plant from B9 Van: d. Çatak, Kavuşşahap Da., 3100 m, D. 23129! is tentatively identified as T. brachy chilus x pubescens. |