Lamiaceae |
![]() Teucrium chamaedrys (CELAK.) RECH. FIL . subsp. sinuatum (CELAK.) RECH. FIL. |
![]() Teucrium chamaedrys (CELAK.) RECH. FIL . subsp. sinuatum (CELAK.) RECH. FIL. |
Teucrium L. |
T. chamaedrys L., Sp. Pl. 565 (1753). Rech. fil. in Bot. Archiv 42:338-389 (1941). Syn: T. officinale Lam., Fl. Fr. 2:414 (1779); T. pseudochamae-drys Wender. in Flora 9:358 (1826). Ic: Bot. Archiv 42:417-420 (1941). Suffrutescent perennial herb, often rhizomatous, 5-50 cm, with very variable indumentum. Leaves oblong or obovate-oblong, cuneate at base, usually crenate-dentate or shortly lobulate, lobes entire or toothed. Verticillasters (2-)4-8-flowered, in dense or ± lax terminal racemes, floral leaves (bracts) usually distinct from cauline leaves, entire or toothed; pedicels equalling or usually shorter than calyx. Calyx tubular-campanulate, subgibbous at base, teeth lanceolate-triangular, ± subulate-tipped, margins usually densely short-haired and sparsely long-hairy, or only long-hairy, or glabrous, usually purplish. Corolla reddish-purple, 2 x calyx. Stamens at least as long as upper lateral lobes 1. Bracts all overtopping calyces 2. Leaves subglabrous or shortly hispid beneath subsp. lydium 2. Plant bearing long eglandular or glandular hairs 3. Calyx teeth glabrous or sparsely long-haired subsp. trapezunticum 3. Calyx teeth densely covered with short and long hairs subsp. chamaedrys 1. Bracts mostly shorter than calyces 4. Plant shortly retrorse- and crispate-hairy; stem hairs diminishing in length downwards subsp. sinuatum 4. Indumentum not as above 5. Upper bracts entire, all ciliate-margined; stem hairs not diminishing in length upwards;leaves ± discolorous subsp. syspirense 5. Bracts all dentate, not usually ciliate-margined; stem hairs diminishing in length upwards;leaves concolorous subsp. tauricolum subsp. sinuatum (Čelak.) Rech. fil. in Bot. Archiv. 42:378 (1941). Syn: T. sinuatum Čelak. in Bot. Centr. 14:218 (1883); Boiss., Fl. Or. Suppl. 363 (1888); T. divaricatum sensu Rech. fil. in Ann. Naturh. Mus. Wien 49:278 (1939) non Sieber (1821). Fl. 6-8. Igneous and limestone slopes, steppe, road and field sides, 1150-2600 m. Type: [N. Iraq] in rupestribus mont. Gara Kurdistaniae, 2 viii 1841, Kotschy [351] (holo. W). E. Anatolia. A8 Erzurum: nr Ispir, 1200 m, Barclay 797! A9 Kars: Karakurt to Sarikamiş, 1780 m, D. 46483! B6 Sivas: Gürün, 1250-1300 m, D. 21955! B7 Tunceli: Munzur Da., 2000 m, D. 31302! B8 Muş: Karduchia (Kurtik) Da., 1375 m, Kotschy 1859: Suppl. 692. B9 Ağri: E. of Tahir pass, 2150 m, Lamond 2574! C8 Sürt: Siirt, 1150 m, Frödin 1939:203. C9 Hakkari: Çukurca, 1200 m, D. 44747! N. Iraq. Ir.-Tur. element. Very closely related to subsp. syspirense, but indumentum shorter and intemodes usually longer than verticillasters. |