Lamiaceae |
![]() Salvia xanthocheila BOISS. EX BENTHAM |
![]() Salvia xanthocheila BOISS. EX BENTHAM |
Salvia L. |
S. xanthocheila Boiss. ex Bentham in DC, Prodr. 12:284 (1848). Figure 13. Perennial herb with a thick woody rootstock. Stems 15-30 cm, sturdy, erect densely glandular-pilose. Leaves mostly basal, broadly ovate to ovate-oblong, 2.5-8.5(-ll) x 1.8-6 cm, lanate to pannose, irregularly lobed or den-tate to subentire, ± cordate; petiole 1-6.5 cm. Inflorescence a short sturdy panicle. Verticillasters 4-6-flowered, crowded. Bracts broadly ovate, acumin-ate, c. 13-18 x 10-14 mm. Pedicels 2-4 mm. Calyx campanulate-infundibular, 9-13 mm, to 13-18 mm in fruit with widely diverging lips, densely glandular; upper lip shortly tridentate. Corolla white, 22-26 mm; tube c. 9 mm, ventri-cose, squamulate; upper lip clearly falcate. Stamens B. Nutlets ovoid, c. 4 x 2.5 mm. Fl. 5-7. Rocky igneous slopes, 2000-2750 m. Type: [Iran] in monte Ellburz Persiae borealis, Kotschy 128 (iso. K!). E. Anatolia. A9 Erzurum: Horasan to Karaurgan, 2000 m, D. 29498! Kars: Kağizman, Turkevicz 114! B8 Erzurum: Tech Dagh(TaktakDa.), 1853, Huet! B9 Ağri: Aşaği Da., N.W. of Cumaçay, 2000 m, Watson 5641! Van: 20 km from Hoşap to Başkale, 2750 m, D. 44626! N., W. & N.W. Iran (not in Caucasia). Ir.-Tur. element. Most closely related to S. microstegia and essentially a dwarf higher alpine version of it, but differing by its larger bracts and fruiting calyces. |