Lamiaceae |
![]() Salvia poculata NAB. |
![]() Salvia poculata NAB |
Salvia L. |
S. poculata Náb. in Publ. Fac. Sci. Univ. Masaryk Brno 70:50, f. 14(1926). Syn: S. brevidens Hedge & Hub.-Mor. in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 22:183 (1957)! Figure 13. Perennial herb. Stems erect, 25-50 cm, branched above, glandular-pilose below, densely glandular-pilose to villous above. Leaves simple, ovate to oblong, 6-15 x 3-6.5 cm, arachnoid floccose (± lanate on young growth), crenate to erose; petiole 2.5-8.5 cm. Inflorescence paniculate; verticillasters 2-8-flowered, clearly distant. Bracts broadly ovate to ± semicircular, abruptly acuminate, 17-22 x 20-25 mm. Pedicels 1-3.5 mm, erecto-patent. Calyx obtri-angular, 8-10 mm, sometimes tinged purplish, glandular-villous, to c. 14 mm in fruit and broadening; upper lip tridentate, median tooth clearly shorter than laterals. Corolla white or pale lilac, 12-16 mm; tube ± straight, c. 6 mm, squamulate, ventricose above; upper lip scarcely falcate. Stamens B. Nutlets rounded trigonous, ± spherical, c. 4.5 x 4 mm. Fl. 5-7. Rocky limestone and igneous slopes, sloping meadows, nr melting snow, 1400-2900 m. Lectotype designated here: [Iraq] distr. Serizor, Handrian Dar (Handren Dagh) supra Rewanduz dit. Erbil, in humosis, c. 1700 m, 23 v 1910, Nábĕlek 1570 (BRA!). E. Anatolia. A8 Erzurum: Erzurum to Tortum, 2030 m, Hub.-Mor. 15307! B7 Erzincan: Keşiş Da. above Cimin, 2500 m, D. 31670! B8 Erzurum: 12 km N. of Hinis, 1950 m, Zohary 571622! Siirt: Sasun Da., Halkis Da. above Sason, 1700 m, Watson et al. 1217! B9 Ağri: E. side of Tahir pass, 19 km from Eleşkirt to Horasan, 2400 m, D. 47113! Bitlis: Kam bos Da., 2100 m, D. 23395 (type of S. brevidens)! Van: Çatak, Kavuşşahap Da., 2900 m, D. 23222! C9 Mardin: Cudi Da. above Hessana, 1400 m, D. 42831! Hakkari: Morinos Da. above Marunis, 1900 m, D. 45370! C10 Hakkari: Şat Da., N.W. of Şat G., 2850 m, D. 45498! N. Iraq, N.W. Iran. Ir .-Tur. element. Recognised by the large bracts enfold-ing the verticillasters and the obtriangular calyces. A rather anomalous speci-men from C7 Urfa (Karaca Da., 1250 m, D. 28313!), with somewhat bilabiate calyces, apparently belongs here but more material is needed. |