Lamiaceae |
![]() Nepeta betonicifolia C. A. MEYER |
![]() Nepeta betonicifolia C. A. MEYER |
Nepeta L. |
N. betonicifolia C.A. Meyer, Verz. Pfl. Cauc. 92 (1831). Syn: TV. speciosa Boiss. & Noë in Boiss., Diagn. ser. 2(4):24 (1859)! TV. glabrescens Boiss., Fl. Or. 4:658 (1879) p.p.! N. grandiflora Bieb. var. betonicaefolia (C.A. Meyer) Kusn. in Uchen. Zap. Imp. Yur'evsk. Univ. 2:48 (1898-9); N. scordiifolia Bornm. in Bull. Herb. Boiss. 7:246 (1899) non Schrank (1822); N. kronen-burgii Freyn in Bull. Herb. Boiss. ser. 2, 1:280 (1901)! TV. strictifolia Pojark. in Not. Syst. (Leningrad) 15:303 (1953); N. grossheimii Pojark ., op. cit. 310 (1953)! Ic: Fl. URSS 20: t. 23 f. 1 (1954), as N, grossheimi. Map 42. Perennial; stems few (or several), erect, unbranched, 25-65 cm, finely pilose with very short eglandular hairs. Leaves erect, ± adpressed to stem, 1.5-4.5 x 0.5-3 cm, brightish green, oblong to ovate-oblong, serrate, truncate or sub-cordate, sessile or almost so, with a sparse indumentum of very short hairs and few sessile glands. Inflorescence a ± condensed oblong 'spike' or with lowermost shortly pedunculate verticillasters distinct. Bracteoles linear to subulate, 4-10 mm. Calyx narrowly tubular, dark violet, 8-10 mm, shortly eglandular-pilose or tomentellous, straight or almost so, mouth slightly oblique; teeth subequal, narrowly triangular acuminate, 1.5-3 mm. Corolla violet or violet-blue, (12-)15-17(-20) mm;tube narrowly expanded above, ± straight or curved. Nutlets broadly oblong, trigonous, c. 2-3 x 1.3 mm, tuberculate. Fl. 6-8. Rocky igneous and limestone slopes, alpine meadows, fallow fields, 1100-3100 m. Type: [USSR, Azerbaijan] in locis graminosis altiorum montium Talüsch, 1800 m, C.A. Meyer (LE, photo!). Mainly E. Anatolia. A8 Erzurum: Aras river gorge, 1650 m, Tobey 2061a! A9 Kars: Kars to Susuz, 1800 m, D. 29580! B6 Sivas: 12 km S.W. of Sivas towards Sarkişla, 15 vi 1939, Reese! Tschamlü-bel (Çamlibel Da.), 1800-1900 m, Bornm. 1890:2137 (type of TV. scordiifolia). B7 Tunceli: MunzurDa. above Ovacık, 2600 m, D. 31140! B8 Erzincan: Tercan to Aşkale, 1900 m, D. 29324! B9 Van: N. side of Erek Da. above Değirmenköy, 2400 m, D. 44486! B10 Ağri: N. of Doğubayazit, 1500 m, D.M. Brown 590! C4 Konya: Karaman to Ermenek, Yelibel Da., 1900 m, Hub.-Mor. 8414! C5 Adana: d. Karaisali, Katir pass, 2050 m, Hub.-Mor. 15588! C9 Siirt: 20 km S.E. of Pervari, 2000 m, Frödin 1936:196! C10 Hakkari: 21 km from Bacirge to Yüksekova, 2230 m, D. 45228! Transcaucasia, N., N.W. & W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. Characterised by the leaves ± adpressed to the stem, the ± compacted spike-like inflorescence and the relatively thin indumentum on leaves and calyces. Varying considerably according to age and habitat: fruiting specimens and plants from damp meadows tend to have clearly separated verticillasters. |