Lamiaceae |
![]() Micromeria cristata (HAMPE) BRISEB. subsp. orientalis P. H. DAVIS |
![]() Micromeria cristata (HAMPE) BRISEB . subsp. orientalis P. H. DAVIS |
![]() Micromeria cristata (HAMPE) BRISEB . subsp. orientalis P. H. DAVIS |
Micromeria BENTHAM |
M. cristata (Hampe) Griseb., Spic. 2:122 (1844). Syn: Thymus cristatus Hampe in Flora (Regensburg) 20(l):233 (1837)! Perennial with a stout woody tortuous stock. Flowering stems erect or ascending, 3-16 cm, bearing at base short, hairy, imbricate-leaved resting-buds. Median leaves narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, 5-8 x 1-3 mm, subsessile, margin narrowly revolute, pubescent to pilose, usually overlapping, erect or patent. Inflorescence spike-like, head-like or thyrsoid, 1-10 cm x 5-15 mm. Verticillasters conferted or ± distant, 2-6-flowered, longer than floral leaves; cymules ± lax or very shortly stalked. Bracteoles subulate, shorter to longer than pedicels. Calyx narrowly tubular, 3-6 mm, subactinomorphic, strongly nerved, pubescent; teeth subequal, lanceolate-subulate to narrowly triangular-acuminate, 1/3-1/5 as long as calyx, straight or subpatent; throat bearded. Corolla 5-11 mm, white to pale mauve, purplish or carmine. Nutlets oblong, c. 1 x 0.4 mm, acuminate. 1. Leaves suberect, imbricate; inflorescence spike-like, 5-7 mm broad (excl.corollas); corolla 5-6 mm 2. Stems 5-16 cm; inflorescence 3-10 cm x 6-7 mm, dense; calyx 3-4 mm subsp. cristata 2. Stems 3-7 cm; inflorescence 1.5-2.5(-4) cm x c. 5 mm; calyx 4-4.5 mm subsp. xylorrhiza 1. Leaves ± patent; inflorescence thyrsoid or head-like, 8-15 mm broad (excl. corollas); corolla 6-11 mm 3. Calyx 5-6 mm; corolla 8-11 mm, carmine; inflorescence congested, head-like, as long as broad, cymules dense subsp. carminea 3. Calyx 3.5-4.5 mm; corolla 6-7 mm, white, mauve or purple; inflorescence usually longer than broad, cymules lax 4. Flowering stems 3-5(-7) cm, usually branched above, forming a domed plant; inflorescence 1-3 cm x 8-10 mm, verticillasters crowded together; leaves and stems puberulent (hairs 0.1-0.2 mm) subsp. phrygia 4. Flowering stems 4-12 cm, simple or branched below; inflorescence 3-7 cm x 10-15 mm, verticillasters laxer and clearly separated; leaves and stems patently pilose (hairs up to 0.5 mm) subsp. orientalis subsp. cristata. Map 48. Type: [Bulgaria] in Rumelien, Frivaldsky (iso. K!). Central N. Anatolia. A4 Zonguldak: Safranbolu, Wiedemann! A5 Amasya: Babasihi Da., 1400m,Bornm. 1890:3028! N. & C. Balkans. Medit. (mt.) element? subsp. xylorrhiza (Boiss. & Heldr.) Davis in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 21:64 (1952). Syn: M. xylorrhiza Boiss. & Heldr. in Boiss., Diagn. ser. 1(12):49 (1853)! Map 48. Fl. 6-7. Crevices of limestone rocks, 1500-2000 m. Lectotype designated here: [Turkey C3 Isparta] in fissuris rupium Tauri Lycaonici, 1520 m, in Monte Anemas, Heldreich (G!). S,W. Anatolia. C2 Muğla: Çal Da., 35 km N. of Fethiye, 1900 m, Lambert & Thorp 573! Antalya: Kuhu Da., S. of Elmalı, 7/10 vii 1969, Fitz & Spitz. 213! Ak Da., 2000 m, Sorger 68-26-55! C3 Antalya: Antalya, d. Gebiz, Boz-burun Da., 1500 m, D. 15561! Endemic. E. Medit. (mt.) element. |