Lamiaceae |
![]() Marrubium vanense HUB.-MOR |
![]() Marrubium vanense HUB.-MOR |
![]() Marrubium vanense HUB.-MOR |
![]() Marrubium vanense HUB.-MOR |
Marrubium vanense HUB.-MOR |
Marrubium vanense HUB.-MOR |
Marrubium vanense HUB.-MOR |
Marrubium L. |
M. vanense Hub.-Mor. in Bauhinia 6(2):287 (1979). Figure 7. Map 27. Erect perennial. Stems 50 cm or more, brownish with a dimorphic indumentum of longer and shorter simple hairs. Cauline leaves petiolate, ± orbicular or flabellate, irregularly and coarsely crenate, thinly pilose with simple hairs above and rather more densely so with large stellate hairs beneath. Ver-ticillasters borne on short axillary branches and terminating the main stem, crowded, several-flowered; bracteoles about as long as calyx tube. Calyx tube 4.5-5 mm, with stellate hairs; teeth 5 or rarely 6, somewhat unequal, 2-2.5 mm, straight, erect or slightly spreading, covered with stellate hairs for 1/2-2/3 of their length. Corolla yellowish-white, densely lanate with stellate hairs outside, upper lip glabrous inside. Fl. 7. Ravines, c. 1920 m. Type: Turkey B9 Van: Van — Hoşap, Durchbruchs-Schlucht des Micinger Flusses, 20 km östlich von Hasbaşi, 1920 m, 8 vi 1951, Huber-Morath 11711 (holo. Hb. Hub.-Mor.!), Ch. Simon (iso. Hb. BaslerBot. Ges.!). Endemic and known only from the type. Ir.-Tur. element. Closely related to M. vulcanicum, and, with the latter, very distinct from other species of Marrubium. |