Juncaceae |
![]() Juncus bufonius L. |
![]() Juncus bufonius L. |
Juncus L. |
J. bufonius L., Sp. PL 328 (1753). Ic: Hegi, 111. Fl. Mittel-Eur. 2: t. 56 f. 5(1908). Figure 1. Annual, caespitose or (in small specimens) 1-stemmed, (l-)5-50 cm, stems erect or ascending with 1-5 leaves below inflorescence, lower bracts also leaf-like, lower leaves without auricles. Leaves 0.5-2 mm broad, flat but margins often convolute. Inflorescence lax orrarely some flowers in clusters. Perianth segments narrowly ovate, (4.5-)6-8 mm; outer longer, apiculate, herbaceous for most part; inner apiculate to acute, with herbaceous centre and broad scarious margins. Stamens 6, 1/3-1/2 x perianth; anthers 0.5-1 mm, 1/3-1 x filaments. Capsule (3-)3.5-5 mm, shorter than perianth, ovoid to almost ellipsoid, acute or obtuse, style usually persisting as a short mucro. Seeds 0.4-0.55 mm, smooth or finely striate. Fl. 3-9. More or less wet, often bare habitats, s.l.-2350 m. Described from Europe (L-Van Royen! Hb. Linn. 449/24!). Widespread. A1(E) Kirklareli: 6 km from Kırklareli to Kofçaz, A. Baytop (ISTE 32443)! A2(E) Istanbul: Belgrad forest, Kayacik 31! A2(A) Bursa: Ulu Da. above Bursa, M. & D. Zohary 3471! A4 Bolu: 50 km E. of Bolu, 1300 m, Kukkonen 8285! A5 Sinop: ince Burun, 30 m, Tobey 1643! A6 Sivas: Sariyar (Yildiz Da.), 1700 m, Sorger 76-7-17! A7 Trabzon: 1 km N. of Ham-siköy, c. 60 km S.W. of Trabzon, 1200m, Kukkonen8996! A8 Rize: Ikizdere to Çimil, 1200 m, Kit-Tan 620! A9 Çoruh: 20 km E. of Şavşat, 1950 m, Sor-ger 81-74-29! Bl Izmir: Foça, Bocquet 1735b! B2 Kütahya: Koca Y., Inegöl to Tavşanli, A. Baytop (ISTE 5689)! B3 Afyon: 3 km from Sincanli to Dum-lupinar, 1200 m, Coode & Jones 2348! B4 Ankara: Ankara, Çayiri, 1963, Alinoğlu! B6 Sivas: 35 km from Gürün to Pinarbasj, 1700 m, Stn. & Hend. 5703 p.p.! B8 Muş: S.W. foot of Bingöl Da., 11 km from Çaylar to Karliova, 1800 m, D. 46154! B9 Bitlis: Pelli, 2200 m, D. 22398 p.p.! B10 Ağri: 17 km N. of Doğubayazit, 1600 m, Sorger 82-62-58! Cl Muğla: Bodrum to Orta-kent, 50 m, Sorger & Kit-Tan 84-10-9! C2 Muğla: Girdev G., 75 km E. of Fethiye, 2350 m, Lambert & Thorp 606 p.p.! C3 Antalya: Kiremithaneler, c. 12 km S.W. of Antalya, 1 m, it. Leyd. 1959:575(!). C4 Antalya: Alanya bay, 2 m, D. 25905! C5 içel: plain of Mersin, 1855, Bal.! C6 Maras: 1 km N. of Cokak, 1200 m, Sorger 73-16-6! C9 Mardin: Cizre, 350 m, D. 42523! C10 Hakkari: 19 km from Yüksekova to Şemdinli, 1950 m, D. 45134! Is: Ikaria, 2 km E. of Kopiathi, Runem. & Nordenstam 16377! Samos, S.W. side of mt. Kerki, 400-800 m, Runem. &Snog. 19625! Rodhos, mt.Prof.Eliasat Salakos, 600 m, Rech. 7202! Cosmopolitan. The flowers may be cleistogamous or chasmogamous. Very variable; even cytologically or morphologically abnormal specimens are usually quite seed-fertile. Literature records have not been accepted as misidentifi-cations are frequent. The above citations probably include forms resulting from hybridisation with J. minutulus and J. turkestanicus. |