Geraniaceae |
![]() Geranium stepporum DAVIS |
![]() Geranium stepporum DAVIS |
![]() Geranium stepporum DAVIS |
Geranium L. |
G. stepporum Davis in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 28: 35 (1967). Syn: G. tuberosum var. linearifolium Boiss., Fl. Or. 1: 873 (1867) quoad pl. persicas, non G. linearilobum DC. Map 40, p. 465. Differs from G. tuberosum in usually having a pair of cauline leaves below the first dichotomy, the linear segments (like those of the basal leaves) always simply incised or dentate, and the beak attenuate into a longer style. Differs from G. macrostylum in having leaf segments with shorter teeth, and eglandular pedicels. Fl. 5-6. Fallow fields, 980-2000 m. Type: Turkey B8 Erzurum: Pasinler to Horasan, 1700 m, D. 29446 (holo. E!). 'Armenia', Calvert &Zohrab! 'Kurdistan', 1840, Brant & Strangways! A5 Samsun: Ladik station, 900 m, Tobey 961! A9 Kars: Kars, 1800 m, D. 29563! B6 Sivas: Sivas, Maunsell! B7 Tunceli: 5 km N of Pülümür, 2000 m, It. Ley d. 1959: 1633! B8 Yozgat: Akdağmadeni, Aktaş, Curtis 147! B9 Van: Van Kale, Tchitouny 9I?. C4 Konya: Konya to Çumra, 980 m, Helbaek 2451! Iran, Transcaucasia, N. Iraq, Syrian Desert. Ir.-Tur. element. This may be the same taxon as the plant described as G. tuberosum var. inciso-dentatum Woronow (in Fl. Cauc. Crit. 3(7): 12, 1908), but as the type {Sintenis 1894: 5633) has not been seen, the epithet has not been adopted here. Geranium stepporum Davis is replaced in S. Russia (and Transcaucasia?) by G. linearilobum DC, and in C. Asia, Altai, N. & W. Iran and N. Iraq by G. transversale Kar. & Kir. - probably better treated as a subspecies of G. linearilobum. The following intermediates occur in Turkey between G. tuberosum subsp. tuberosum and G. stepporum: A9 Kars: Horasan to Karaurgan, fallow fields, 1900 m, D. 29522! C7 Urfa:d. Siverek, W foot of Karaca Da., 1050 m, D. 28284! C8 Mardin: Mardin, Nisibin, 1855, Loftııs! Others have been seen from N. Iraq. |