Geraniaceae |
![]() Geranium pyrenaicum BURM. FIL. |
![]() Geranium pyrenaicum BURM. FIL. |
![]() Geranium pyrenaicum BURM. FIL. |
![]() Geranium pyrenaicum BURM. FIL. |
Geranium L. |
G. pyrenaicum Burm. fil., Sp. Geran. 27 (1759). Syn: G. depilatum (Somm, & Lev.) Grossh. in Grossh. & Schischk., Sched. Herb. Pl. Or. exs. f. xiv: 37 (1928). Ic: Ross-Craig, Draw. Brit. Pl. 6: 33 (1952); Reichb., Ic. Fl. Germ. 5: t. 192 (1841). Figure 14, p. 455. Map 42, p. 489. Tap-rooted perennial, 15-50 cm. Stems bearing short glandular hairs and often patent long eglandular hairs. Basal leaves palmatifid to ?; segments cuneate, truncate, shortly 2-3-fid at the apex into crenate lobules. Pedicels glandular-puberulent, defiexed in fruit. Sepals ovate-oblong, 4.5-5 mm, ± glandular-puberulent and often pilose towards the margin; awn 0.1-0.3 mm. Petals deeply emarginate. 8-10(-ll) mm, lilac or rarely white. Mericarps not wrinkled, ad-pressed-pubescent. Seeds smooth. Fl. 5-7. Woods, meadows, banks, rocky slopes, streams, 50-2400 m. Described from Pyrenees. Al Tekirdağ: Ganos Da., Stojanov. A2(E) Istanbul: Bahçeköy, 29 v 1892, Azn.! A2(A) Kocaeli: Izmit, 1947, Heilbronn! A3 Bolu: Abant G., 7 ix 1940, B. Post! A4 Kastamonu: Kastamonu to Inebolu, D. 21614! A5 Samsun: d. Bafra, Çetirli Pinar Köy, 50 m, Tobey 174! A6 Samsun: Ladik, Buruboy lake, 1000 m, Tobey 769! A7 Gümüşane: Wang, Sint. 1894: 5693! A8 Rize: Ikizdere to Ispir, 2000 m, Stn. & Hend. 6219! A9 Çoruh: Ardanuç to Kordevan D., 1700 m, D. 30106! Bl Izmir: Izmir, Aucher 2101! B2 Kütahya/Bursa: Tavşanli to Inegöl, 1200-1400 m, Dudley, D. 36165 p.p..! B3 Konya: Akşehir, 1942, Heilbronn! B4 Ankara: Incesu De. nr. Ankara, Gassner 400! B5 Yozgat: Akdağmadeni, Aktaş, Curtis 134! B6 Yozgat: Akdağmadeni to Büyük Nalbant Da., 2000 m, Coode & Jones 2069! B7 Tunceli: Munzur Da. above Ovacık, 2400 m, D. 31378! C2 Muğla: d. Fethiye,. M assicytus (Ak Da.), Forbes ! C3 Antalya: d. Kemer, Katara pass, Forbes! C4 Konya: Ermenek to Yelibel Da., 1660 m, Hub.-Mor. 8579. C5 Niğde: Ala Da., 2190 m, Parry 191! C6 Maraş: Koyunoluk Da. (Maraş-Göksun), 1200 m. D. 27578! C9 Bitlis: Karz Da. above Kotum, 1800 m, D.-22243! Europe, N.W. Africa, Caucasia, N. Iran; introduced in N. America. In facies resembling a perennial version of G. molle subsp. brutium. Several indumentum variants have been described. Var. depilatum Somm. & Lev. (treated as a species in Fl. URSS, and bearing only very short, glandular hairs on the stems) is widespread, but mtergrades with the typical form with long spreading eglandular hairs on the stems. |