Geraniaceae |
![]() Geranium pratense L. subsp. finitimum (WORONOW) KNUTH |
![]() Geranium pratense L. subsp. finitimum (WORONOW) KNUTH |
Geranium pratense L. subsp. finitimum (WORONOW) KNUTH |
G. pratense L., Sp. PL 681 (1753). subsp. finitimum (Woronow) Knuth, op. cit. 129 (1912). Syn: G.finitimum Wor-onow in Fl. Cauc. Crit. 3(7): 50 (1908); G.pratense sensu Bobrov in Fl. URSS 14: 31 (1949) quoad pl. cauc. Figure 15, p. 457. Perennial, 30-60 cm; rhizome horizontal. Stems usually leafless below the opposite leaves of the first dichotomy, retrorsely (often-crisply) pubescent. Basal leaves palmatisect to more than 4/5 , 5-16 cm diam.; segments ovate-rhombic, deeply 1-2-pinnatifid into linear-lanceolate laciniae. Longest bracts 10-12 mm. Pedicels glandular-pubescent, deflexed after flowering though erect in mature fruit. Sepals 8-10 mm, glandular-pubescent; awn 1.5-3 mm. Petals obovate, entire, 14-16 mm, dirty white or lavender-blue. Mericarps pubescent. Fl. 7. By streams, 2000-2300 m. Several syntypes from Soviet Armenia (LE!). A9 Kars: S W side of Kisir Da., 2300 m, D. 30485! Sarikamiş, 2100 m, D. 30772! Soviet Armenia, Georgia. Differing from European subsp. pratense in its more deeply lacinate leaves, and peduncles bearing crisply retrorse pubescence in addition to spreading glandular pubescence. The specimen cited by Aznavour (1917) from B9 Van: Adramit, Tchitouny 131, may belong here. Birand's (1952) records of G. pratense from Ankara and Giresun vilayets seem very doubtful. |