Geraniaceae |
![]() Geranium collinum STEPH. EX WILLD. |
![]() Geranium collinum STEPH. EX WILLD |
Geranium L. |
G. collinum Steph. ex Willd., Sp. Pl 3: 705 (1800). Ic: Acta Hort. Bot. Acad. Sc. (ante Petrop.) 43: 642, t. 459 (1931). Figure 15, p. 457. Perennial, 30-100 cm, rhizome short, oblique, giving rise to thick, fleshy but ± cylindrical roots. Stems, like the peduncles and pedicels, retrorsely pubescent or patently glandular-pubescent. Lower leaves 3-15 cm diam., palmatifid to at least 4/5; segments rhombic, deeply pinnatifid into lanceolate or incised lobes. Peduncles 4-15 cm. Bracts 4-8 mm. Pedicels remaining ± erect after flowering. Sepals 6-8 mm, adpressed-pubescent or patently glandular-pubescent all over the lower surface; awn 2-3 mm. Petals obovate, subentire, 14-16 mm, lilac. Mericarps pubescent, not ridged; beak (excl. slender style), 15-20 mm. Seeds smooth. Fl. 6-8. Damp meadows, river banks, 1000-2000 m. Described from Siberia. A8 Çoruh: Karagöl rd., 947, Heilbronn! Erzurum: Erzurum to Ispir, 59 km NW of Erzurum, 1900 m, Hub.-Mor. 16468! Gümüşane: Bayburt, Bourgeau. A9 Kars: Hacuvan, between Kars and Ardahan, 1900 m, D. 30450! B4 Ankara: Beynam, D. 13039! Konya: Cihanbeyli, Bulok G., 1010 m, Khan et al. 428! B8 Erzurum: Techdagh (Palandöken Da.), 1853, Huet! B9 Van: 5 km N of Şatak, D. 23269! Bitlis: Reşadiye to Kotum, 2000 m, D. 22380! Ağri: 60 miles W of Doğubayazit, 1520 m, Furse 3579! C10 Van: Zab valley, 20 miles S of Başkale, D. 23804! Romania, Ç. & S. Russia, W. Siberia, Caucasia, Iran, Afghanistan, W. Pakistan, C. Asia. In Turkey found in Irano-Turanian territory. |