Geraniaceae |
![]() Geranium asphodeloides BURM. FIL. subsp. sintenisii (FREYN) DAVIS nd7214. |
Geranium L. |
G. asphodeloides Burm. fil., Sp. Geran. 28 (1759). Map 40, p. 465. Perennial, 15-50 cm, erect or weakly ascending; rhizome short, bearing fleshy, narrowly fusiform roots. Leaves 3-6 cm diam., palmatifid to ¾-4/5; segments broadly cuneate, 2-3-fid into entire or incised-dentate lobes. Peduncles l-6(-10) cm. Pedicels glandular-pilose, deflexed in fruit. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, 6-7.5 mm, pubescent, often glandular; awn 1-1.5 mm. Petals obovate or narrowly so, entire or retuse, 9-14 mm, mauve or sometimes reddish purple. Mericarps pubescent, not ridged; beak (excl. slender style) 10-12 mm. Seeds foveolate. Very variable in habit, indumentum and flower size. Two subspecies, showing some intergradation, can be recognised in Turkey: 1. Stem retrorsely pilose, eglandular; inflorescence diffuse, few-flowered, leafy; petals 12-16 mm, mauve subsp. asphodeloides 1. Stem patently glandular-pilose with long eglandular hairs and shorter, darkly capitate glandular hairs; inflorescence more definite and more numerous-flowered, scarcely leafy; petals 9-12 mm, mauve or deep reddish purple subsp. sintenisii subsp. sintenisii (Freyn) Davis in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 28: 36 (1967). Syn: G. ibericum Cav. var. parviflorum Boiss., Fl. Or. 1: 876! G. sintenisii Freyn in Bull. Herb. Boiss. 3: 104 (1895)! G. parviflorum (Boiss.) Hand.-Mazz. in Ann. Nat. Hofm. Wien 23: 161 (1909) quoad typ. haud descr., nec Curtis (1798), nec Andr. (1806), nec Willd. (1809). G. wiedemannii Davis in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 22:25 (1955)! Type: [Turkey A7 Gümüşane] Karagölldagh, in valle Schdachlar ad rivulum, Sintenis 1894: 7050 (K! E!). Fl. 6-8. Meadows, by streams, rocky slopes, 600-1800 m. A3 Bolu: Abant G., 1400 m, D. 37166! A4 Zonguldak: Keltepe above Karabük, 1800 m, D. 38820! A6 Ordu: Fatsa's Perşembe Y., 1600 m, Tobey 1398! A7 Giresun: Balabandağlari above Tamdere, 2100 m, D. 20471! Trabzon: Hamsiköy, 600 m, Stn. & Hend. 6329! Sivas: Yildiz Da., Wiedemann (type of G. ibericum var. parviflorum, G. wiedmannii)! A8 Çoruh: mt. above Artvin, 1700 m, D. 29713 p.p. Endemic ? Euxine element. The roots appear to be more slender than in subsp. asphodeloides. Usually growing in more open habitats and often at higher elevations than the latter. G. wiedemannii appear to be a dwarf, very shaggy peripheral variant of subsp. sintenisii. Calabrian material (described as G. nemorosum Ten.) is somewhat intermediate between the two subspecies recognised in Turkey. Parsa (Fl. Iran 1: 1434) records 'G. sintenisii' from Iran. |