Gentianaceae |
![]() Gentiana verna L. subsp. pontica (SOLTOK.) HAYEK |
![]() Gentiana verna L. subsp. pontica (SOLTOK.) HAYEK |
![]() Gentiana verna L. subsp. pontica (SOLTOK.) HAYEK |
![]() Gentiana verna L. subsp. pontica (SOLTOK.) HAYEK |
Gentiana L. |
G. verna L., Sp. PI. 228 (1753). Perennial herbs, stems to 10 cm in flower but usually elongating in fruit. Leaves crowded at base, forming a rosette, broadly to narrowly elliptic or ovate, with somewhat papillose margin, to 20x8 mm; cauline 2-3 pairs, usually narrower. Flowers solitary, 5-merous. Calyx 12-22 mm, divided to §■, ± winged on angles. Corolla deep blue with a white eye, lobes broadly obtuse and spreading; subsidiary lobes small and narrow. 1. Corolla (20-)28-37(-39) mm; rosette leaves ± narrowly elliptic, usually more than 24- χ as long as broad, subacute subsp. balcanica 1. Corolla (38-)40-46 mm; rosette leaves ovate to elliptic, usually not more than 2^(-24) χ as long as broad, ± obtuse subsp. pontica subsp. pontica (Soltok.) Hayek, Prodr. Fl. Bale. 2:419 (1930). Syn: G. angulosa Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 1:197 (1808); G. verna L. var. obtusifolia Boiss., Fl. Or. 4:73 (1875), pro parte; G. pontica Soltok. in Öst. Bot. Zeitschr. 51: 168 (1901); G. verna L. var. pontica (Soltok.) Kusn. in Fi. Cauc. Crit. 4(1): 352 (1903)! Ic: Bieb., Cent. PI. Rar. 1 : t. 47 (1810); Öst. Bot. Zeitschr. 51: t. 3 f. 11 (1901). Fl. 5-7. Alpine grassland and turf, 1830-3660 m. Lectotype (Pritchard op. cit. 312, 1977): Turkey A7 Trabzon: Zigana Da., 23 v 1894, Sintenis 5626 (E! WU). N.E. & E. Anatolia. A7 Trabzon: Zigana pass, 1830 m, GuichardTURI 103/62! A8 Rize: Ikizdere to lspir, 3000 m, Stn. & He/id. 6209! Çoruh: Tiryal Da. above Murgul, 2300 m, D. 29950! Erzurum: lspir to Koçun pass, 2850 m, Barclay 891 -form with purplish calyx (!). A9 Çoruh: Yalnizçam pass, 2400 m. Apold et al. 152! Kars: d. Ardahan, 2200 m, Turkevicz 293! B9 Van: nr Van, 2850 m, Kronenburg 63! B10 Ağri: Büyük Ağri Da., 3500 m, 30 vii 1966, Steiner'. Kars: d. Aralik, Büyük Ağri Da., 3000 m, D. 46970! C9 Hakkari: Kara Da., 3355 m, D. 24429! C10 Hakkari: Cilo Tepe, 3290 m, D. 24048a! Transcaucasia, N. lran. Hyrcano-Euxine (mt.) element. Two gatherings from E. Anatolia have rosette leaves resembling subsp. pontica but smaller corollas (B7 Tunceli: Munzur Da. above Ovacik, 2600 m, D. 31424! B9 Van: Kavuşşahap Da., 3200 m, D. 23121 !). A gathering from C5 Niğde (Ala Da., 2740 m, A. Burt 15!) resembles subsp. bakanica particularly by its narrow basal leaves, but is very isolated geographically. The species has also been recorded in the literature from B8 Bingöl (Bingöl Da. pass, 3200 m, Tchihatcheff). Subsp. verna occurs mainly in W. & C. Europe. |