Fabaceae |
![]() Lathyrus rotundifolius WILLD. subsp. miniatus (BIEB. EX STEV.) DAVIS |
Lathyrus L. |
L. rotundifolius Willd., Sp. PL 3:1088 (1802). subsp. miniatus (Bieb. ex Stev.) Davis, comb, et stat. nov. Syn: L. miniatus Bieb. ex Stev. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 29(2): 161 (1856)! L. rotundifolius auct. non Willd., Sp. PL 3:1088 (1802). Ic: Bot. Mag. 106: t. 6522(1880), as L. rotundifolius; Fl. Kavk. 5: t. 44 (1952). Map 74, p. 345. Tall, climbing perennial, very glabrous. Stems winged, 1-2.5 m. Leaves with branched tendrils; leaflets 1-paired, broadly elliptic, rarely suborbicular, slightly longer to 3 x as long as broad, 25-65 x 10-45 mm, flat, parallel-veined. Stipules ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, semi-sagittate, 1-2 x as broad as stem. Peduncles 3-13-flowered, much longer than leaves. Calyx 7-9 mm; teeth unequal, the upper broadly triangular, the lowest tooth longer, triangular-lanceolate, a little shorter than tube. Corolla deep pink, 18-25 mm. Legume linear, glabrous, upper suture narrowly 3-keeled, 50-70 x 7-10 mm. Seeds 6-10, faintly reticulate-rugulose, hilum 1/5 of circumference. Fl. 6-7. Scrub (especially on N. slopes), hedges, lush meadows, corn and fallow fields, 1000-2200 m. Described from Beschtan in Caucasus (L E!). E. and N.E. Anatolia. A7 Gümüşane: Kirkpauli, Sint. 1894:5958! A8 Rize: Cimil, 1866, Bail Erzurum: Yusufeli to Erzurum, 1000 m, 5m. & Hend. 6132! A9 Kars: 8 km from Kars to Susuz. 1800 m, D. 30581! Çoruh: Ardanuç to Kordevan Da., 1450 m. D. 30127! B7 Tunceli: Pülümur to Mutu, 1560 m, Hub.-Mor. 16195! B8 Erzurum: Aras river gorge, Tobey 2073! B9 Ağri: 15 km from Eleşkirt to Horasan. E of Tahir pass, 2200 m, D. 47141! C10 Hakkari: 40 km from Yüksekova to Şemdinli, 1850 m, D. 45167! Caucasia. N. Iraq, N. Iran. Subsp. miniatus differs from the Crimean subsp. rotundifolius (a pine forest plant) in its stouter, more broadly winged stems, usually longer leaflets, more richly flowered racemes, and larger calyx withrelatively longer teeth, but specimens of the former subspecies often approach the less variable Crimean population in one character or another. Except for its larger calyx, the following Turkish specimen is typical of subsp. rotundifolius: A8 Çoruh, 16 km E of Ardanuç, Picea forest, 950 m, Hub.-Mor. 16196! |