Fabaceae |
![]() Lathyrus inconspicuus L. |
Lathyrus L. |
L. inconspicuus L., Sp. PL 730 (1753). Syn: L. erectus Lag., Gen. Sp. Nov. 22 (1816). Ic: Hegi, I11. Fl. Mittel-Eur. 4(3): 1567 (1924); Jáv. & Csap., Ic. Fl. Hung, t. 299(1932). Figure 3, p. 323. Erect annual, 10-35 cm, glabrous or pubescent. Stems not winged. Leaves all aristate, or the upper ones bearing simple tendrils; leaflets 1-paired, linear-lanceolate, 15-60 x 1-7 mm; stipules lanceolate acuminate, semi-sagittate. Flowers solitary, small, the stalk usually shorter than the petiole. Calyx 4-5 mm; teeth equal, lanceolate, 1-l½ x as long as tube. Corolla lavender, often with whitish wings, rarely all white, 7-9 mm. Legume linear, 35-50 x 4-5 mm, erect, glabrous or subadpressed-pubescent, obscurely nerved. Seeds 7-11, smooth. Fl. 4-5. In corn and fallow fields, nr. s. 1.-1500 m.. Described from the Orient (type in Hb. Linn. 905/7!). Widespread, except in the N and extreme E. A1(E) Çanakkale: Gelibolu, Širjaev. A2(E) Istanbul: San Stefano, 27 v 1894, Azn.! A5 Çorum: 6 miles from Alaca to Sungurlu, 1100 m, Coode & Jones 1680! 1679! A6 Tokat: Tokat, Bornm. 1889:254. Bl Izmir: Smyrna (Izmir), Fleischer! B2 Uşak: Uşak, Bal. 1207! B3 Afyon: 2 miles S of Emir De., 1000 m, Coode & Jones 2302! B4 Ankara: Ankara, 15 vi 1932, Kotte! B5 Yozgat: 2 miles from Sorgun to Çekerek, 1100 m, Coode & Jones 1542! B9 Muş: Melazgirt, c. 1500 m, 25 vii 1915, Schischkin. B10 Ağri: Burnaboulak, d. Doğubayazit, 26 v 1916, Schischkin. C2 Aydin: below Karacasu, 400-500 m, D. 41665! C3 Burdur: 7 km from Bucak to Antalya, 720 m, Hub.-Mor. 13339! C4 Konya: Küçük Köy, 980 m, Helbaek 2402! 2556! C6 Adana: Harun-iye, 450 m, D. 26937! C7 Urfa: Karacadağ, E. S. Brown 2498! C8 Mardin: 15-20 km from Nusaybin to Mardin, D. 28461! C9 Siirt: 28 km from Şirnak to Cizre, 600 m, D. 42590! S. Europe, S.W. & C. Asia. Variable in indumentum. Forms with pubescent fruits are frequent in Inner Anatolia. The Linnean specimen (which must be taken as the type) has exceptionally short and broad fruits (30 x 6-7 mm), but cannot be equated with any other species. |