Fabaceae |
![]() Astragalus angustifolius LAM. subsp. angustifolius LAM. var. violaceus BOISS. |
Astragalus L. |
A. angustifolius Lam., Encycl. 1:321 (1783). Map 52, p. 269. Dwarf, cushion-forming shrub. Leaves 2-6 cm, paripinnate; rachis spiny, leaflets 3-7 mm, elliptic to obovate, obtuse, sometimes mucronate. both surfaces bifurcate-sericeous or glabrescent, (5-)7-12-paired; stipules 5-8 mm, lanceolate, white-hairy, joined to more than half-way. Peduncles shorter or longer than leaves. Flowers in 3-14-flowered racemes. Bracts 2-4 mm, lanceolate. Bracteoles-1-2 mm, lanceolate. Calyx 6-10 mm, tubular, shortly ± adpressed black and white bifurcate-hairy; teeth 1-5 mm. Corolla pinkish-purple, yellow or whitish; standard 15-18 mm. Legume 8-10(-12) x 2-3 mm, oblong, densely ± adpressed white-hairy (sometimes sparsely hairy with a few black hairs); beak c. 1 mm, straight. 1. Peduncles shorter than leaves 2. Calyx teeth half as long as tube or less subsp. angustifolius 3. Corolla whitish or yellow, sometimes with a purple keel var. angustifolius 3. Corolla completely pinkish-purple var. violaceus 2. Calyx teeth ± equal to tube subsp. longidens 1. Peduncles equal to or exceeding leaves subsp. pungens subsp. angustifolius. var. violaceus Boiss., Fl. Or. 2:490 (1872). Syn: A. hermoneusBoiss., Diagn. ser. 1(9): 94 (1849). Fl. 5-6. Rocky slopes, 1000-2000 m. Syn types: [Turkey C2 Antalya] in montibus supra Elmalu Lyciae, Bourgeon 69 (G, E!), [Greece] in montibus Graeciae, Sibthorp. S.W. Anatolia. C2 Burdur: between Fethiye and Dirmil, 1000 m, Hub.-Mor. 5313! Antalya: 22 km SSW of Elmali, 1800 m. Jackson 5113! C3 Antalya: d. Gebiz, Bozburun Da.. 2OOO m, D. 15534! |