Cyperaceae |
![]() Carex pachystylis J. GAY |
![]() Carex pachystylis J. GAY |
Carex L. |
C. pachystylis J. Gay in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 2, 10:301 (1838). Syn: C. stenophylla Wahlenb. var. planifolia Boiss., Fl. Or. 5:400 (1884); C. desertorum Litv. in Trav. Mus. Bot. Acad. P6tersb. 1:19 (1902). Ic: Fl. URSS 3: t. 13 f. 8(1935). Figure 5.
Rhizomes much-branched; roots blackish- to greyish-brown; shoots solitary or in lax, small tufts. Stems 6-20 cm, subterete, erect, slender, rather rigid, leafy only at very base; basal sheaths and basal parts of leaves loosely enclosing base of stem, soon becoming dark to blackish-brown and fibrous. Leaves 1-2.5 mm broad, rather soft, flat to subinvolute, narrowed into long setaceous tip, somewhat scabrid at margin, lowermost leaves short and thin, soon withering, often curved. Spikes 3-6, rather few-flowered, aggregated in a broadly ovoid head 0.8-1.8 cm; bracts broad, ± clasping, glumaceous or lowest with a short setaceous tip. Female glumes ovate, c. as long as or slightly shorter than utricles, uniformly dark chestnut or with pale scarious margins. Utricles dark chestnut and glossy in upper half, straw-coloured below, ellipsoid or ovoid, 4-5.5 mm, plano-convex, thin-walled, membranous, veinless above but with a few rather distinct veins at base of convex side, stipitate, rather abruptly contracted into a usually smooth, chestnut, slightly flattened, distinctly bifid beak to 1.5 mm, deeply cleft abaxially, beak points often convergent, scarious-margined. Nut brown, squarish with truncate base. Semi-deserts, steppe, dry slopes and meadows, 550-2700 m. Syntypes: [Syrian Desert] in Asia occidentali, inter Halepum (Aleppo) et Mosul, Olivier & Bruguiere (P!) et in Persia, Belanger (G, K!). E. Anatolia. B7 Malatya: Pütürge, 1350m, Altan llO9! B8 Erzurum: Bingöl Da., 2200 m, Engin 108! B9 Bitlis: Nemrut Da., 2700 m, Frödin 1936:243! Van: 3 km S.W. of Çalderan, 2250 m, Sorger 81-38-8! B10 Kars: N.E. slope of Ağri Da. below Serdar Bulak, 2300 m, D. 43796 p.p.! C6 Urfa: 3 km N. of Birecik, 550 m, Sorger 80-7-32! C7 Adiyaman: Kahta to Eski Kahta, 600 m, Rix 1892! C8 Mardin: 2 km E. of Mardin, 1150 m, D. 28439! Transcaucasia, Iran, Khorassan, N. Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Syrian Desert, Afghanistan, Transcaspia, Turkestan, Tien-Shan. Ir.-Tur. element. |