Cyperaceae |
![]() Carex melanostachya BIEB. EX WILLD |
![]() Carex melanostachya BIEB. EX WILLD |
Carex L. |
C.melanostachya Bieb. ex Willd., Sp.Pl. 4(l):299(1805). Syn: C. nutans Host, Gram. Austr. 1:61 (1801)! non J.F. Gmelin (1791); C. ledebourii Boiss. & Buhse in Nouv. Mem. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 12:222 (1860)! Ic: Fl. RPR 11: t. 155 f. 2 (1966); Hess et al., Fl. Schweiz 1:469 (1967), as C. nutans. Figure 5. Rhizomes long, woody; shoots solitary or sometimes tufted. Stems 20-70 cm, slender, somewhat scabrid above; basal sheaths reticulate at margins, red-dish-brown, becoming darker and ± entirely fibrous. Leaves 2-4 mm broad, c. equalling stems or shorter, revolute to almost flat, stiff, greyish-green. Male spikes 1-2, approximate, terminal longest; glumes lanceolate, acute, ferrugin-eous. Female spikes usually 2-3, ovoid to shortly cylindrical, 10-35 mm,rather lax at least at base, lowest pedunculate to 1.5 cm; lowest bract leaf-like, equa-ling inflorescence, sheath to c. 5 mm. Female glumes ovate, acuminate to aris-tate, slightly shorter than utricles, dark reddish-brown with green mid-vein. Utricles brownish-green, darkest above, ovoid, 4.5-6 mm, adaxially somewhat flattened, coriaceous becoming suberous when ripe, dull but not papillose, with distinctly sunken veins when ripe; apex rather abruptly narrowed into short, distinctly bifid beak 0.7-1.5 mm, with dark brown band on front and with points scabrid on inner sides. Marshes, water meadows, by streams, also on slopes with scrub or forest, 800-2100 m. Type: [USSR] ad mare Caspium, Marschall von Bieberstein (holo. B—Willd. 17286). Turkey-in-Europe, Inner & S. Anatolia. A1(E) Edirne: Tavuk ormani, N. &E.Özhatay(ISTE 27584)! A3 Ankara: Beypazarito Karaşar, 1450 m, Simon 75-78! A4 Ankara: Karagöl, 64 km N. of Ankara, 1600 m, Coode & Jones 2199! A8 Gümüşine: 5 km E. of Hadrak, Jardine 516! A9 Kars: Sarikamiş, 2100 m, D. 30780! B3 Eskişehir: Çifteler to Çavdar, Birand & M. Zohary 3253! B6 Adana: Saimbeyli to Göksun, 56 km N. of Saimbeyli at Iğdebel village, 1580 m, Hub.-Mor. 11376! B8 Muş: S.W. foot of Bingöl Da., 11 km from Çaylar to Karliova, 1800 m, D. 46156! B9 Van: Bendimahi to Van G., 1700 m, Sorger 81-8-1! BlO Kars: Aralik (Aras valley), 810 m, D. 43646! C5 içel: N. side of Cilician Gate (Gülek Boğazi), 1100 m, It. Leyd. 1959:1224! C6 Maraş: Solak Da., nr Zeytun (Süleymanli), 1130 m, Balls 1058! C9 Hak-kari: 2 km N.W. of Hakkari, 2000 m, Sorger 81-27-4! CIO Hakkari: 32 km from Yüksekova to Şemdinli, 1750 m, D. 45074! Southern C. Europe, Balkans, S. Russia, Siberia, Caucasia, N. Iraq, N., N.W., W. & C. Iran, Khorassan, Afghanistan, C. Asia, Transcaspia, Turkestan. A collection from B9 Van (W. side of pass between Hoşap and Başkale, 2650 m, D. 44737!) is very probably a hybrid involving C. melanostachya; however, the identity of the other parent is uncertain. |