Cyperaceae |
![]() Carex divisa HUDSON |
Carex L. |
C. divisa Hudson, Fl. Angl. 348 (1762). Syn: C. coarcta Boott in Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1:285 (1846) et Trans. Linn. Soc. London (Bot.) 20:133 (1846) sphalm. 'coacta'; C. setifolia Godron, Not. Fl. Monsp. 25 (1854) non G. Kunze (1837); C. chaetophylla Steudel, Syn. PI. Glum. 2:187 (1855). Ic: Fl. RPR 11: t. 129 f. 1 (1966); Hess et al., Fl. Schweiz 1:434 (1967); Jermy & Tutin, Brit. Sedges 169 (1968). Rhizome woody, far-creeping, to 6 mm thick, covered with adpressed pale brown to blackish-brown scales which soon become fibrous; short lateral branches of rhizome emitting single shoots or more often few-stemmed clusters. Stems (5-) 10-70 cm, trigonous, ± scabrid at least above, erect, leafy in lower half; basal sheaths short, firmly clasping, soon becoming fibrous, pale to dark brown. Leaves 1-2.5 mm, shorter than stem, ± flat or often channelled or involute, narrowed into long slender scabrid tip, ± erect, greyish-green. Inflorescence simple (or lowest spikes sometimes branched at base), ovoid and dense to oblong and rather lax and lobed, 1.5-3.5(-6) cm;lowest bract setaceous or glumaceous and short, or leaf-like and longer than inflorescence. Spikes 3-8 (-15), uppermost often male, lower male above and female below or sometimes entirely female, rather crowded and usually overlapping, ovoid or narrowly ovoid. Female glumes c. as long as utricles, lanceolate-elliptic, acute and often aristate, sometimes carinate, reddish-brown, dark brown or sometimes pale brown, mid-vein distinctly paler when young but glumes often becoming more concolorous with age; margins usually scarious. Utricles yellowish- to dark reddish-brown, elliptic-ovoid to broadly ovoid, 3-4.2 mm, sometimes curving adaxially, coriaceous, ± spongy in basal part, often whitish-stipitate, distinctly to obscurely many-veined on back, sometimes shining, without lateral wings or with narrow scabrid wings along beak and upper half; beak short, to 0.9 mm, flattened, smooth or scabrid on margins, bifid. Marshy saline meadows, by soda lakes, grassland, ditches, pools, rice fields, sometimes in water, s.l.-2800 m. Syntypes: [England] in the meadows near the Hithe at Colchester in Essex, Mr. Newton; by Hithe in Kent, Mr. J. Sherard (OXF). Widespread, but absent from extreme S.E.Anatolia. A 1(E) Tekirdağ: Muratlı to Tekirdağ, A. Baytop (ISTE 10998)! A1(A) Çanakkale: Dardanelli, Sint. 1883:330! A2(E) Istanbul: Terkos, A. Baytop (ISTE 19462)! A2(A) Kocaeli: Tuzla, 26 iv 1897, Azn.! A4 Ankara: Çubuk Su (Ankara to Ravli), D. 21425! A5 Amasya: Merzifon to Kamisli, A. Baytop (ISTE 9127)! A6 Samsun: Kiraz-lik, A. Baytop (ISTE 8987)! A9 Kars: Ardahan to Yalnizçam, 1900 m, D. 29596! Bl Izmir: Çeşme, Gülbahçe bay, Bocquet 1132! B2 Kürahya: Murat Da., above Kesik Söğüt, 1900 m, D. 36784 p.p.! B3 Eskişehir: Çifteler, Birand & M. Zohary 3258! B4 Ankara: 30 km N. of Konya-Adana side road, Tuz G., 1000 m, Carle & Kürschner 79-11! B5 Yozgat: 90 km E. of Yozgat, W. of Olugözü, 1240 m, Uotila 15614! B6 Kayseri: Pınarbaşı, 1300m, Stn. & Hend. 5160! B7 Malatya: Gölbaşi, 700m, It. Leyd. 1959:1410! B8 Erzurum: 3 km W. of Pasinler, 1680 m, Kukkonen 8040! B9 Van: Erçek G., 2000m, Rix 290! B10 Kars: 6 km S. of iğdir, 900 m, D. 43888! Cl Aydin: 2 km from Aydin to Çine, Seçmen & Leblebici 2557! C2 Muğla: Kaunos, at S.W. outlet of Köyceğiz G., Fitz & Spitz. 183a! C3 Antalya: Kiremithaneler, 1 m, It. Leyd. 1959:548! C4 Içel: E. of Taşuçu, Alava 6727 & Kukkonen! C5 Içel: Findik-pinar above Mersin, 1200 m, D. 26496! C6 Gaziantep: 30 km W. of Gaziantep,900 m, Mathew & Tomlinson 4179! Hatay: nr Antakya, ix 1931, Eig & M. Zohary! C7 Urfa: d. Siverek, W.-foot of Karaca Da. between Siverek and* Diyarbakır, 27 km from Siverek, 1050 m, D. 28274! C8 Mardin: 27 km from Kurtalan to Beşiri, 500 m, D. 42958! Is: Lesvos, Rech. 1261! Tokmakia, Aspronisos, s.l., Edmondson & McClintock 2534! Khios, Amadhes, Platt 578! Ikaria, N. of and at Kampos, s.1,-100 m, Runem. & Snog. 6903! Kos, Marmari to Tigaki, s.l.-3 hi, Buttler 18208! Rodhos, 1-2 km S. of Kattavia, 10-20 m, D.68030! W. & southern C. Europe, S. Russia, Mediterranean area, S.W. Asia to Tien-Shan; introduced in N. America, S.Africa and New Zealand. Euro-Sib, element. Variable in its vegetative parts, particularly in size and leaf breadth. There is also considerable variation in utricle shape (from broadly ovoid to elliptic-ovoid) and colour. The broader utricles are usually pale brown and dull, the narrower ones dark brown and shining. Stn. & Hend. 5160 from B6 Kayseri differs in having very dark brown female glumes. In the easternmost localities of the species the veins of the utricles tend to be indistinct. There seems to be no other correlation, however, between these morphological characters and either ecology or distribution. Sect. Physodeae Meinsh. (Sect. Boernera V.Krecz., Sect. Olotrema (Rafin.) V. Krecz. p.p.). Rather small plants, not caespitose but tufted with long slender creeping rhizomes. Stems bluntly trigonous, subterete, ± erect. Inflorescence oblong-ovoid to subglobose, usually dense, simple. Spikes all similar, few to many, androgynous; lowest bract glumaceous or setaceous; female glumes broadly scarious-margined. Utricles membranous or coriaceous, plano-convex or strongly inflated, glabrous, not winged, erecto-patent; beak short, truncate to bifid. This section might be better divided into two, on the grounds, for example, of differences in utricle texture (cf. V. Kreczetovicz in Fl. URSS 3, 1935). |