Cyperaceae |
![]() Carex divulsa STOKES subsp. coriogyne (NELMES) O. NILSSON |
Carex L. |
C. divulsa Stokes in With., Arr. Brit.Plaed. 2, 2:1035 (17Ş7). Similar to C. spicata but laxly caespitose; roots dark brown to blackish; stems to 1 m; basal sheaths becoming dark brown or blackish and strongly fibrous; leaves 2-5.3 mm broad, slightly shorter than stems; ligule obtuse to almost acute, c. as broad as long or somewhat broader; inflorescence 3-15(-18) cm; upper spikes almost confluent, 1-3 lower ones usually distant, and more than their own length apart, often branched at base; female glumes c. as long as utricles; utricles pale yellowish-brown to dark brown, narrowly ovate to ovate-elliptic or almost orbicular, 3.3-5.8 mm, rather distinctly veined or veinless, base rounded to almost cuneate, not spongy or thickened, apex narrowed into a usually scabrid-margined beak. 1. Utricles broadly ovoid to almost orbicular, rounded at base, distinctly flanged at margins, usually rather pale yellowish-brown, usually distinctly veined at least on back; apex abruptly contracted into short beak subsp. coriogyne 1. Utricles narrowly ovate to ovate-elliptic, usually not flanged at margins, rounded or cuneate at base, faintly veined or veinless; apex rather gradually narrowed into beak 2. Stems rather weak; leaves 2-3 mm broad, c. as long as stems, ± flaccid; ligule c. as long as broad, obtuse to almost acute; inflorescence to 15(-18) cm, lower 1-3 spikes often more than their own length apart and usually distinctly branched at base; lower bracts setaceous, often longer than their spikes;utricles pale yellowish-brown, 3.3-4.5 mm, ± erecto-patent subsp. divulsa 2. Stems rather stout; leaves 3.2-5.3 mm broad, usually shorter than stems, ± erect; ligule usually broader than long; inflorescence 3-8(-10) cm, lowest 1-2 spikes usually no more than their own length apart, sometimes ± approximate, sometimes unbranched at base; bracts usually short and glumaceous;utricles dark brown when ripe, 4.3-5.8 mm, patent subsp. leersii subsp. coriogyne (Nelmes) Ö. Nilsson, comb, et stat. nov. Syn: C. coriogyne Nelmes in Kew Bull. 1947:74 (1947)! Figure 5. Map 25. Open forests, meadows, dry places, sometimes in shade, s.l.-1450 m. Type: [Turkey Bl Izmir] Lydia, Smyrna, mt. Takhtali, 26 v 1906, Born-müller 10106 (holo. K!). W., Inner & S. Anatolia. Bl Balıkesir: mt. Ida (Kaz Da.), Tschai-Dere (Çaydere) nr Kareikos, Sint. 1883:1220! Manisa: Manisa Da., T. Baytop (ISTE 6405)! Izmir: mt. Kara-Tscham (Karaçam Da.) above Burnabad (Bornova), 800-1000 m, Bornm. 1906:10104! B3 Eskişehir: Sündiken Da., 1400m, Ekim 475! B7 Malatya: Pütürge, 1450 m, Altan 1530! C3 Isparta: 3 km W. of Yenişarbademli, 1300 m, Sorger 67-11-16! Antalya: Antalya, 30 m, Tengwall 462! C4 Konya: Ermenek, Sarivadi, 1300 m, D. 16236! Içel: S. of Uzunca-burç, 800 m, Sorger 77-17-7! C5 Niğde: rivervalley W. of Maden, Darrah 256! C6 Hatay: Karlik Tepe, 1200 m, Akman 66! Adana: Dumanli Da., 700-1200 m, Haradj. 3674! Endemic. E. Medit. element? C. spicata, C. divulsa and C. muricata form a critical, taxonomically difficult group. The present treatment follows to some extent Fl. Europaea 5:297-298 (1980) but must be regarded as provisional. The group is in need of a thorough study. C. spicata is rather easily recognised and seems to be a good species, whereas the limits between C. divulsa and C. muricata are diffuse and most characters used are unreliable; therefore C. divulsa and its subspecies might be better treated as subspecies of C. muricata. The four taxa of the C. divulsa-muricata complex recognised here are in Turkey partly allopatric; there is, however, some overlap, which is to some extent caused by .their weedy tendency. Intermediates occur, both between species and between the subspecies of C. divulsa, particularly in contact areas. Some of the material examined is immature and cannot be identified with certainty. |