Cuscutaceae |
![]() Cuscuta kurdica ENGELMANN |
![]() Cuscuta kurdica ENGELMANN |
![]() Cuscuta kurdica ENGELMANN |
![]() Cuscuta kurdica ENGELMANN |
Cuscuta L. |
C. kurdica Engelmann in Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 1:471 (1859). Ic: Yuncker, op. cit. f. 146 (1932). Stems thin, ± reddish. Inflorescences 3-8 mm diam., globose, dense, few-flowered. Flowers 2-3 mm, sessile, mostly 4-merous (but 5-merous flowers always present), red and white, sometimes obscurely papillate. Calyx longer than corolla tube, lobes longer than tube, ovate or lanceolate, acute or shortly acuminate, slightly fleshy. Corolla lobes a little shorter than or almost as long as tube, ovate-lanceolate to ovate-triangular, acute, converging above or erect. Stamens distinctly shorter than corolla lobes; anthers about as long as short filaments. Scales hardly reaching filaments, narrowly oblong-obovate, obsoletely bifid, truncate, shortly and sparingly fimbriate above. Styles short and thin, a little shorter than stigmas, together much shorter than ovary. Capsule 2-3 mm, sub-globose, deeply depressed above, with 4 longitudinal furrows. Seeds 1-1-2 (-1.3) mm, usually 4 per capsule, ovoid. Fl. 7-9. On perennial herbs, in steppes, 1200-2900 m. Syntypes: [N. Iraq] on the Gara mountains (Qara Da.), [10 viii 1841,] Kotschy 388 b (MO!); Kurdistan, Brant (K). E. Anatolia. B8 Muş: d. Varto (Gümgüm), Kotschy 289. B9 Bitlis: N. slopes of crater of Nemrut Da., on Silene, 2700 m, McNeill 569! Van: Artos Da. above Gevaş, on Achillea and Hypericum, 2900 m, McNeill 766! C7 Adiyaman: Urik nr Kahta, 1200-1400 m, Hand.-Mazz. 356. N. Iraq, W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. A gathering from CIO Hakkari (Sat Da., 2700 m, on Galium and Festuca, Duncan & Tait 70) includes two species, one of which (70b) is quite similar to C. kurdica. The specimen is peculiar in having some calyx lobes which are broadly ovate or triangular and also somewhat fleshy, anthers exceeding corolla tube and styles + stigmas not as short as in the typical form. |