Crassulaceae |
![]() Sedum annuum L. |
Sedum L. |
S. annuum L., Sp. PI. 432 (1753). Syn: S. annuum L. var. racemiferum Gris., Spic. 325 (1853); S. grisebachii Heldr. in Boiss., Diagn. ser. 2(2):61 (1856)! Ic: Hegi, 111. Fl: Mittel-Eur. 4(2): t. 139 f. 8 (1921); Fiori, Ic. Fl. Ital. f. 1728 (1899). Erect tufted annual or biennial, 10-15 cm. Leaves linear-spathulate, the lower c. 12 mm, semi-terete, glabrous, often reddish, shortly spurred, verticillate, opposite or alternate. Inflorescence a lax 3-10-flowered cyme. Flowers 5-6-merous, sessile or shortly pedicellate; sepals c. 2 mm; petals 4-5 mm (2-2.5 x sepals), yellow or greenish-yellow; stamens 10-12; follicles glabrous, stellate-spreading when ripe. Fl. 6-7. Rock ledges and slopes, 1830-2700 m. Described from Sweden (Hb. Linn. 595/9, photo!). N. Turkey, Inner & S.W. Anatolia, local. A2 Istanbul: nr. Byzantium, Aucher 2665a. A2(A) Bursa: Keşiş Da., vi 1855, Kirk! A3 Bolu: Ala Da., Kartal Kaya Tepe, 2100-2200 m, D. 37295! A8 Trabzon: Soğanli pass, 2600 m, Furse 4081! Erzurum: Taşköprü, Huet; Rize: Cimil, 1830 m, Bal. A9 Çoruh: nr. Ardanuç (Grossheim 4: map 330); Kars: Gölebert to Haçuvan, 1850 m, D. 30460! B5 Kayseri: Erciyas Da., Bal. B10 Kars: Büyük Ağri Da., above Serdar Bulak, 2600 m, D. 46958! C2 Antalya: Ak Da., 2300-2700 m, 1968, Quèzel et al. C. & S. Europe, Caucasia, Iranian Talysh. Euro-Sib, element. S. grisebachii appears to be no more than a depauperate, small-flowered form of S. annuum. |