Crassulaceae |
![]() Sedum album L. |
![]() Sedum album L. |
![]() Sedum album L. |
![]() Sedum album L. |
Sedum L. |
S. album L., Sp. PI. 432 (1753). Syn: S. micranthum Bast., Essai Fl. Maine-et-Loire 167 (1809); S. athown DC, Prodr. 3:407 (1828); S. album L. var. brevifol-ium Boiss., Fl. Or. 2:781 (1872). Ic: Sowerby, Engl. Bot. 22:1.1578 (1806); Ross-Craig, Draw. Brit. PL 10: t. 29 (1957). Lax, caespitose perennial with creeping stems and sterile shoots; flowering stems 5-20 cm. Leaves linear-cylindrical to ovoid-globose, 4-12 mm, obtuse, semi-terete, slightly spurred, alternate, imbricate. Inflorescence a lax, many-flowered, subcorymbose cyme. Fiowers 5-merous, shortly pedicellate; sepals c. 1.5 mm, blunt; petals white or pinkish, 2-4 mm; stamens 10; follicles erect, glabrous. Fl. 6-9. Walls, rocky slopes and crevices, etc., 100-2500 m. Type: [England] in petris umbrosis vel frigidiusculis in Anglia (Hb. Cliff.!). Outer Anatolia, uncommon in C. & E. Anatolia. A2(E) Istanbul: Kapi Kule, 14 vi 1887, Azn.! A2(A) Bursa: Broussa (Bursa), Kb. Robert College! A3 Bolu: Ala Da.,.Kartal Kaya, 2000 m, Khan et al. 472! A4 Ankara: Işik Da., d. Kizil-cahamam, 17 viii 1960, Khan et al. 731! A5 Amasya: Amasya, Maniss. 932! A6 Samsun: Ladik, 1000 m, Tobey 1177! A7 Gümüşane: Stavri, 2230 m, Balls 533! A8 Çoruh ^Çoruh gorge between Artvin and Ardanuç, 700 m, D. 30047! A9 Kars: nr. Çildir G. (Grossheim 4: map 324). Bl Balikesir: Mt. Ida (Kaz Da.) above Kareikos, Sint. 1883:634! B2 Kütahya: Murat Da., above Gediz at Hamam, 1400 m, D>. 36673! B3 Isparta: Barla Da., 2000 m. Khan et al. 384! B4 Ankara: Kuvaklidere, Krause. B6 Sivas: Sivas to Zara, 1200 m. Stn. & Hend. 5790! B7 Tunceli: Munzur Da., above Ovacik, 2300 m, D. 31320! B9 Bitlis: Pelli Da., above Pelli, 2600 m, D. 22467! C2 Muğla: Girdev Da., 2400 m, D. 13999! C3 Isparta: Dedegöl Da., at Taş Oluk, 2100 m, D. 16070! C4 Konya: Serai Köy to Konya, Andrasovszky 932. C5 Niğde: Ala Da., Findlay 208! C6 Hatay: Kusliji Da., 1500-2000 m, Haradj. 2540! C9 Hakkari: Zap gorge, 62 km from Çukurca to Hakkari, 1100 m, D. 44840! Throughout Europe, N.W. Iran, Caucasia, Lebanon. A variable species. S. micranthum represents an extreme form with smaller flowers and short leaves, and S. athoum (S. album var. brewifolium) a form with globose leaves and acute petals. A complete range of intermediates occurs between these extreme forms and S. album sensu stricto. |